A Message from the Principal

Uniforms are a symbol of discipline, identity, and unity within Salvado Catholic College. They serve as a visual representation of our commitment to excellence and the values we uphold. Our uniform guidelines are not merely about dress code; they are a reflection of our shared purpose and a means to create a positive, focused, and respectful learning environment.


Preparing for the Future: Additionally, uniforms prepare our students for the expectations of the real world. In many professions, a dress code or uniform is required. By instilling these habits early on, we equip our students with essential life skills they will carry with them into adulthood.


Building Discipline: Uniforms instil a sense of discipline in our students. When students dress in their uniforms, they are making a commitment to adhere to our school's standards and values. This fosters self-discipline, responsibility, and respect for rules - a crucial aspect of character development.


Promoting a Positive School Culture: The expectations of students wearing a uniform also contributes to a more positive school culture. It creates a sense of belonging and pride in being a part of the Salvado Catholic College community. Our students often take pride in representing our college, and the uniform is a visible symbol of this commitment.


Uniform Updates: As we continue to grow as a Pre-K to Year 12 College our uniform will also evolve and develop. In 2024, there will be several changes to the College Uniforms which are outlined below:

  • Blazers will be a compulsory uniform item for all secondary students in 2024 for Term Two and Term Three. They will be worn with the formal winter uniform (more information will be circulated to families in regard to costs and purchasing of the Blazers). 
  • College Bathers will be compulsory for all members of the Secondary ACC Swim Team with one piece racing bathers available for female students and, speedos and jammers available for male students. Female students may also elect to wear jammers over their one piece bathers. 
  • Tie Bows - This term the Uniform Shop ran out of supplies of Tie Bows and the decision has been made not to order more stock. From 2024 our current female students may choose to continue wearing the Tie Bow or the College Tie with their formal Winter Uniform. For all new students the College Tie will be worn with the formal Winter Uniform.
  • Grey College Pants are now available for all students in Year Three and above. 

As we move forward, I ask for your continued support in upholding our uniform guidelines. Please ensure that your child arrives at school dressed in accordance with our guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns about uniforms or our guidelines, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school administration.


Thank you for entrusting us with the education and development of your children. Together, we can continue to create an environment where every student feels valued, focused, and prepared for success.



Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
