Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts -  Matewos 5A for showing persistence and focus in art while designing your pop art image. You showed pride, respect and integrity. Congratulations and well done Matewos!

Performing Arts - Monica 1/2B for displaying integrity and pride in our non-verbal and verbal drama activities. She expressed her feelings as a character while using her voice, face and movement to engage her audience. Well done, Monica!

Chinese - Vincci 3C for always striving to do her best! Her attention to detail in each of her work pieces and level of effort displayed should be commended. Well done, Vincci! 


6B - Maddy for demonstrating leadership and respect in 6B. You consistently model the school values throughout the school day. Well done!

6C - Imogen for consistently modelling the school values. Thank you for always being so kind and patient with others, you are a true leader. Keep it up!


5B - Eyual for making a positive start to the term. Keep working hard and demonstrating our school value of integrity.

5C - Tyson for demonstrating leadership and respect to everyone in 5C. You consistently model the school values throughout the school day. Well done Tyson!

4A - Oliver for taking pride in his writing during Week 1. He has been researching Italy with enthusiasm and interest. It’s amazing to see him engaging in his writing. Keep it up, Oli!

4B - Gabby for taking pride in her work and always trying her hardest. Well done for completing all your work to a high standard. Keep it up!

4C - Zain for demonstrating integrity. He followed instructions, completed his tasks, and he contributed more in group discussions. Well done, Zain!


3A - Aleks for kindness, collaboration and respect. Aleksandra, you have been voted by your peers because you are incredibly helpful to everyone, you make everyone feel safe and welcome. You are a great role model to others at DPW, great job Aleks!

3C - Jena for her amazing group work this week. She has worked collaboratively with her group members, doing so with a smile on her face! Well done!


1/2A - Afnan for completing all learning tasks with independence and developing her confidence to share during whole class discussions. 

1/2B - Logan for demonstrating Integrity and Pride. He worked hard to improve his handwriting skills and write fantastic compound sentences! Well done Logan.

1/2C - Khenrab for his incredible effort during writing this week. He created interesting compound sentences and showed pride when sharing his work with others. Well done Khenrab! 

1/2D - Thahira for being an amazing learner. She consistently engaged in our learning, participated in class discussions and contributed at a high level. Keep it up Thahira!

1/2E - Edric for demonstrating integrity. He has been working hard at his reading goal. Edric was able to make inferences about a character’s trait during small group reading. He also used text clues to support his inferences. Great work, Edric!


FA - Veronika for trying her best when learning how to read CVC words. Well done and keep up the good work.

FB - Ada for consistently modelling all the school values and returning to Term 4 ready to learn! Keep it up! 


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

1/2E - Edric for demonstrating integrity. He has been working hard at his reading goal. Edric was able to make inferences about a character’s trait during small group reading. He also used text clues to support his inferences. Great work, Edric!


Upper primary: 

5C - Tyson for demonstrating leadership and respect to everyone in 5C. You consistently model the school values throughout the school day. Well done Tyson!