Principal's Message
By Jenny Hassett
Principal's Message
By Jenny Hassett
Welcome back everyone to Term 4. Here's hoping for amazing weather so we can spend time in the sunshine. For our current Grade 6 students, this is their last term in primary school before they move on to secondary school where they will experience lots of new and exciting adventures. Enjoy your last term at Rollins and the friendships you have made over the past 7 years.
If your family is moving out of our area or your child will be attending another school in 2024, could you please contact the office and let us know as soon as possible. We have a waiting list of families wanted to enrol in our school and are trying to organise grade capacities for 2024.
A huge congratulations to Jordan Tomkins and her partner Jack who welcomed a beautiful little girl into the world in September - Bridgette Elizabeth. Both mother and daughter are well and looking forward to spending lots of time with their new bundle of joy.
Please note that Wednesday 25th October is Geelong Cup Day which is a scheduled public holiday in the City Of Greater Geelong. It is important to be aware that as a school we do not have any choice in this matter and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Just a reminder that broad brimmed navy hats are compulsory in Term 4. With the warmer weather now happening, I don't want any child to experience sunburn. Hats with the school logo can be purchased at the office for $14. Please ensure all hats are clearly labelled.
At Rollins, we work thoughtfully to build future class groupings. Teachers work together (literally for hours) forming classes for the coming year. They consider student learning styles, behaviour needs, student personalities, gender (even numbers of boys and girls) and many other factors to create classrooms where students will work well together and with their teacher. It is a complex process. Our goal is always to create the most balanced classes possible.
Parents are invited to advise us of any considerations that they would like us to take into account for student placement in 2024. If you would like to take this opportunity, I ask that you provide your thoughts in writing to me, no later than Thursday 19th October 2023. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider requests after this date. Please note we cannot meet requests for specific teachers and, although we try our best to meet all requests, we cannot give guarantees.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.