Principal's Report

We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.
May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.
We wish our Year 3 Campers all the very best as they head to Cave Hill Creek next week. The weather will be wonderful, the activities amazing and the staff and stuents attending are very excited. A big thank you to our staff for their preparation and attendance over the three days.
We will engage in our second last week of swimming lessons next week. Such a very important and necessary skill for our children to develop and strengthen - particularly as we make our way very quickly towards the summer holiday period. Thank you to our families for their support in ensuring that children arrived each week with all the necessities to support a successful swimming experience. We aim to extend this valuable experience to our Year 5/6 children in 2025.
National Transition Day
As a whole school we will engage in National Transition Day next Tuesday, with children spending time in their 2025 classrooms with, where possible, their 2025 teacher/s. The children at Year 3 Camp will be notified during their camp time on Tuesday, in line with their peers back at school. Families of our Year 3 students will be notified via email on Tuesday as to the class that their child will be in for 2025.
Christmas Carry-on
It certainly is going to be feeling a lot like Christmas next Thursday when we enjoy a bit of Christmas Carry-on with the F-2 students on the Medwell Oval. Families are warmly invited to join us, a coffee van will be onsite and lots of Christmas fun to be had by all - see you there!
Miners Rest Primary School Transition Day
On Friday, December 13, Miners Rest Primary School will host our very own transition morning, replicating National Transition Day, but with all students onsite to experience a step up into classes for 2025. This day will not include 2025 Foundation students, but all other students (F-5) will spend time with their teacher for next year where possible.
It is with very mixed feelings that I announce that Kyra Ives will be leaving us at the end of the year and taking up an appointment at Yarrawonga P-12 College. We wish Kyra all the very best in this new phase of her career and thank her sincerely for her 11 years at Miners Rest K-6.
Assembly will be at 2:30 pm - we look forward to our school community joining us then.
With kind regards,
Kylie Nissen.