Community News


The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has 100,000 temporary jobs available across 

Australia at the next election. 

Although the date for the election is yet to be announced, we need to ensure we have the 

temporary workforce to run the event. 

There are jobs available before, on and after election day in metro, regional and remote 



We are seeking your help to spread the word about these jobs. All jobs are paid, no 

experience is required and training is provided.

To help spread the word we have attached promotional resources that you can:

· share on social media

· add to newsletters and websites

· print and display 

Please read our ‘Users Guide’ AEC TEW promotional resources kit before using these promotional resources.

If you or anyone you know are interested in applying, please visit Up to 100,000 temporary election jobs available - Australian Electoral Commission


To register go here AEC EmployMe