Year 5/6

This term in Reading, 5/6 students have focused on “Analysing and Critiquing” by studying the books written by Shaun Tan. They explored various graphic and language devices that are used by the author and the illustrator, to achieve particular effects on the reader. They have learnt to analyse and explain how graphic and language devices are used to create tone, mood and to represent different ideas, characters and events. During this unit, 5/6 students have consistently practiced identifying the visual devices and language devices in the text, to support their understanding of the author’s craft and were able to produce the evidence from the text to explain their response to it.
In Writing this term the grade 5/6 students focused on writing Biographies and Autobiographies. The students began the topic by being immersed into a range of examples of the text type. They then worked with the teacher to deconstruct a biography and an autobiography, focusing on its structural features and language. The students then practiced writing an orientation that clearly introduced their topic, grouping related information into well-sequenced paragraphs and finishing their text off with a concluding statement. The students then worked on including facts, figures and statistics when it was appropriate to do so to support their writing. They also practiced adding in quotes to show direct evidence from different sources. To extend their work, the students looked at adapting a text to suit different audiences and comparing people and ideas within their texts. The students also worked on following the writing process by planning, drafting, revising and editing their work before producing their published copies.
This term in Mathematics, the grade 5/6 students continued their work on Multiplication and Division for the first couple of weeks. This unit ran alongside the topic of Capacity where students applied their multiplication strategies to real world problems involving measuring containers holding millilitres and litres. The students explored appropriate units of measurement when measuring capacity and practiced converting between common metric units. During the major topic of Fractions and Decimals, students solved problems that built their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. They were exposed to strategies for working out percentage discounts and applying these strategies in a range of ways. While building their understanding of fractions, students worked through a minor unit on Probability where they had a go at identifying possible outcomes of situations using words and numerical values. They conducted repeated chance experiments including those with and without equally likely outcomes. The students then worked on describing probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages. The grade 5/6 cohort ended the year with a unit on Money and Financial Mathematics. Throughout this unit they had the opportunity to link their previous learnings in using efficient mental and written calculation strategies to solve problems which involved financial and budget planning, alongside operations such as addition and multiplication.
This term, our Grade 5/6 students embarked on an exciting journey of discovery through the Inquiry unit titled “Mother Earth”. This unit offered a unique opportunity for students to dive deep into understanding the relationship between people, places, and the environment. Over the course of the term, they developed their geographical knowledge and critical thinking skills by exploring how human and natural elements shape the world we live in. The students explored how the country’s climate and landforms influence where and how people live. They explored how the impact of bushfires or floods on people can be reduced. As part of this unit, students engaged in comparative studies, looking at how Australia measures up to other countries around the globe. They identified and described important locations across various regions, gaining a better understanding of different landscapes and climates. This comparative approach allowed students to appreciate the unique features of Australia and its environment while learning about other parts of the world.
During Term in Science, students have investigated the 3 states of matter through our Chemical Science called ‘Facts of Matter’. They have enjoyed exploring properties of matter through hands-on Science experiments. Students have experienced success, as a collective cohort, in categorising solids, liquids and gases and identifying their scientific characteristics. They have also had a heavy focus on safety when experimenting and writing up Science experiments in preparation for future learning in high school.
Congratulations to all Grade 5/6 students on your efforts in Science in 2024!
During Term 4 in Grade 5/6 Auslan, the focus was on the following topics:
People, Sports, Mealtimes, Time, Occupations, Seasons, Handshapes #2, Storytelling
and Celebrations. The final lesson involved seeing interviews with Deaf people discussing their deafness, family and early life (Deaf Culture). Games and lessons
that students enjoyed throughout the term were revisited. Other core elements of Auslan, such as Constructed Action (mime) and Depicting Signs (representing people, animals and vehicles), Handshapes, Fingerspelling and Facial Expression, were taught and modelled, showing how they are essential parts of Auslan communication.
This final term for the year built on previous skills and extended student communication
in Auslan encouraged immersion, repetition and sequential learning. Topics built on each other to expand the learner’s knowledge, confidence, and comfort with the new language. With Primary School students, fun activities practising new learning was a priority, as students developed greater self-confidence with the Auslan language.
On the 26th of November, students participated and engaged in a check in visit and were given the opportunity for each class to meet and interact with a Deaf person. The team that attended on the day was an Australian Education Services Team Leader, Deaf team member, and an Interpreter. The Deaf team member presented and spoke to the children about their life as a Deaf person, followed by Auslan signing with the students, and some question time. This provided students with a first-hand interaction with a Deaf person and gave them a look at Deaf culture. Sessions on the day ran for 30 minutes. It was also a good opportunity to provide support for students and staff. Congratulations to students for a wonderful year of learning Auslan!
During Term 4 in Art, the grade 5/6 students explored various art forms, focusing on manual and mental creativity. They experimented with various art forms such as mosaic, origami, macrame, combining their prior knowledge and innovation to design unique art pieces. To commemorate their last term in art for 2024 the students dedicated their time to create numerous different keepsakes including some fantastic mosaic coasters and creative ‘about me’ puzzle pieces. Term four has been a fun, hands on and creative time in Art and I am excited to see their creative sides continue to grow, good luck to all our grade 6 students heading off to high school next year.
Over the course of the year the 5/6 students have engaged in the Melton school’s interschool sport competition. Our students have represented us well and the whole school community is proud of their efforts. Thank you to all the staff who made this possible. We look to be bigger and better next year and achieve even more success for our school.
During this term students in 5/6 have focused on badminton and hockey. Students have taken a games-based approach for each of these sports and can now engage and play in small-sided games to show their skill development and knowledge. Students used strategy in each of these games and showed they can work with other students to problem-solve. For these sports there was a continued skill development in the fundamental motor skills. These included throwing, catching, striking, running, jumping, and dodging. I am so proud of the efforts our 5/6 students have shown this year. I am excited to see what the future holds for each of them and wish the grade 6 students nothing but the best for high school next year.
In Music, students continued to work collaboratively in small groups to create musical compositions, further developing their control over the elements of music. They built their knowledge of the notes in the C major scale through singing new songs and playing tuned percussion. They extended their understanding of how pitched notes are represented on a stave in formal notation. They also learnt how to combine different singing parts and musical instruments to perform songs. This term, students were introduced to the ukulele and learnt finger techniques for strumming open strings and learning one-finger chords. They learnt to combine musical elements in composing music with electronic resources. Students worked cooperatively in small groups and as a whole class and were encouraged to perform and celebrate their achievements.