Year 3/4

This term in Reading, the students participated in an author study on Margaret Wild. Students analysed language and graphic devices used by Margret Wild, including mood, tone, symbolism, imagery, perspective, etc. Students also critiqued different texts and Margaret Wild herself as an author.
At the start of the term, students worked on narratives with a focus on the process of publishing texts, language and structure. They investigated different types of narrative stories such as horror, fantasy and adventure.
At the end of the term, students looked at the genre of persuasive writing. Again they worked on the process of publishing a text, language and structure. Students practised distinguishing the difference between opinion and fact when stating their arguments. Heavy focus was placed on providing factual evidence to support arguments.
To begin the term we continued working on Multiplication and Division. Students made connections between Multiplication and Division with a heavy focus on the Area Model strategy. Students were provided with multiple opportunities to practise and consolidate understanding.
Towards the end of the term students moved on to learning about Fractions. Students again made connections, between division and fractions. Students created a Fractions ToolKit to support them in their learning and practised counting by fractions past 1, finding equivalent fractions and comparing fractions.
In Measurement and Geometry, students learnt about Shapes, describing features of 3D objects and making models of shapes such as pyramids and prisms. Students explored Capacity, using different containers to measure, order and compare. Students practised using formal units including millilitres and liters.
In Chance and Probability, students conduct chance experiments, identifying and describing possible outcomes. Students also analysed the likelihood of different activities and everyday events as ‘highly likely’, ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’, ‘highly unlikely’ and identified some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible’.
This term's Inquiry unit was called ‘Oh The Places We Could Go’.
Students explored the key understanding ‘Life in Australia is both similar and different to neighbouring countries’ through 2 key questions:
How and why are places similar and different?
What would it be like to live in a neighbouring country?
Students created a project presentation on neighbouring countries, researching the climate, vegetation, food, animals, culture, traditions, ceremonies, clothing etc.
Students then presented these projects to their peers demonstrating their knowledge.
During Term in Science, students have investigated natural and processed materials through our Chemical Science called ‘Material Work’. They have enjoyed exploring properties of different materials through hands-on Science experiments. Students have experienced success, as a collective cohort, in identifying natural and processed materials and explaining their differences. They have also explored the scientific process of writing up Science experiments in preparation for future learning in 5/6 and also high school, in years to come.
Congratulations to all Grade 3/4 students on your efforts in Science in 2024.
During Term 4 in Grade 3/4 Auslan, the focus was on the following topics:
People, Sports, Mealtimes, Time, Occupations, Seasons, Handshapes #2, Storytelling
and Celebrations. The final lesson involved seeing interviews with Deaf people discussing their deafness, family, early life (Deaf Culture). Games and lessons that the students enjoyed throughout the term were revisited. Other core elements of Auslan, such as Constructed Action (mime) and Depicting Signs(representing people, animals and vehicles), Handshapes, Fingerspelling and Facial Expression, were taught and modelled, showing how they are essential parts of Auslan communication.
This final term for the year built on previous skills and extended student communication
in Auslan, encouraging immersion, repetition and sequential learning. Topics built on each other to expand the learner’s knowledge, confidence, and comfort with the new language. With Primary School students, fun activities practising new learning was a priority, as students engaged with the Auslan language.
On the 26th of November, students participated and engaged in a check in visit and were given the opportunity for each class to meet and interact with a Deaf person. The team that attended on the day was an Australian Education Services Team Leader, Deaf team member, and an Interpreter. The Deaf team member presented and spoke to the children about their life as a Deaf person, followed by Auslan signing with the students, and some question time. This provided students with a first-hand interaction with a Deaf person and gave them a look at Deaf culture. Sessions on the day ran for 30 minutes. It was also a good opportunity to provide support for students and staff.
Congratulations to students for a wonderful year of learning Auslan!
During Term 4 in Art, the grade 3/4 students explored various art forms, focusing on manual and mental creativity. They experimented with various art forms such as mosaic, origami, macrame, combining their prior knowledge and innovation to design unique art pieces. To commemorate their last term in art for 2024 the students dedicated their time to create numerous different keepsakes. Term four has been a fun, hands-on and creative time in Art and I am excited to see their creative sides continue to grow in the future.
In this term 4 our students in grade 3/4 have looked at the sports of badminton and hockey. They have continued developing their game sense when participating in these sports and have made great improvements. The games-based approach to Physical Education learning was evident again this term as students have had ample opportunities to play and engage in modified and real games of each sport. Through this learning, students continued to work on their fundamental movement skills and have moved further along the process of translating these skills into gameplay. Teaching the grade 3/4’s has been a pleasure to teach this year, well done on your efforts and have a lovely Christmas holiday.
In Music, the students learnt to sing new songs with a focus on developing control over the pitch of their voices and their understanding of the notes in the C major scale. They also consolidated their identification of the beat and rhythm patterns in songs. As they focused on learning new songs, they learnt about the structure of songs and how they can extend them by writing new verses. Using tuned percussion, they extended their understanding of formal notation as they learnt to play and write simple pitched melodies of one, two and three notes, on a simplified musical stave in metered bars. Students created music in sections to accompany stories by composing and performing in groups. Students worked cooperatively in small groups and as a whole class and were encouraged to perform and celebrate their achievements.