Year 1/ 2

This term in Reading students had the opportunity to explore texts by Jackie French through an author study. Throughout the author study, students have listened to and read many titles by Jackie French including Diary of a Wombat, Josephine Wants to Dance, Good Dog Hank, Pete the Sheep and more. Whilst reading these texts, we have been focusing on learning new text-specific words to help students understand the text, as well as develop their use of vocabulary. Students have been applying comprehension reading strategies such as predicting, inferring, making connections, retelling, analysing and critiquing. Whilst analysing, students have been practising how to compare and contrast within texts, and also between texts to analyse the author’s craft. With each fiction text, students have been exposed to a variety of non fiction text types such as persuasive, informational, procedural and explanatory texts. When reading these non fiction texts, students have been learning to understand the purpose and audience of different text types, as well as structures of features of these text types.
This term, Grade 1/2 students engaged in a comprehensive exploration of different text types, focusing on both explanation and persuasive writing. In their explanation texts, they detailed the life cycles of various animals, demonstrating their understanding of sequencing and factual accuracy. In persuasive writing, students learned how to express their opinions on various topics and developed strategies to convince their readers. They practiced using the key structures and features of persuasive texts, such as introducing a clear opinion, providing supporting reasons, and concluding with a strong statement. This helped them build confidence in articulating their viewpoints and structuring arguments logically. Additionally, students focused on improving their spelling by mastering regular spelling patterns and using their knowledge of blending and segmenting sounds. They became more familiar with simple and high-frequency words, which helped them write more accurately and predictably. To further enhance their writing, they practiced correct punctuation, using capital letters and full stops appropriately. They also learned how to expand their sentences by adding more detail, enabling them to stretch their ideas and provide richer, more informative writing. This holistic approach helped strengthen both their technical writing skills and their ability to communicate effectively.
This term, Grade 1/2 students focused on key concepts in Number and Algebra, Statistics and Probability, and Measurement and Geometry.
In Number and Algebra, students explored fractions as part-whole relationships. They learned to apply this concept to shapes and collections of objects, focusing on fractions such as halves, quarters, and eighths. The main emphasis was on understanding that halves are two equal parts of a whole. Using their knowledge of doubles, students solved real-life fraction problems and created their own fraction toolkits to compare fractions like 3/4 and 1/2. They also explored equivalent fractions, such as 2/4 being the same as 1/2, and were introduced to mixed numerals, fractions greater than one whole.
In Statistics and Probability, the focus was on understanding probability as the likelihood of an event occurring. Students practiced sorting events into categories such as “will happen,” “won’t happen,” or “might happen,” before progressing to mathematical vocabulary like “likely,” “unlikely,” “possible,” and “impossible.”
This term in Measurement and Geometry, students explored mass and capacity. Through activities like hefting and using balance scales, they learned to compare objects based on how heavy or light they are. In capacity, students discovered that containers of different shapes and sizes can hold varying amounts and sometimes even the same quantity. They also learned to define capacity as the volume a 3D shape can hold. These hands-on experiences helped students deepen their understanding of these key concepts. To conclude the term, students will revise key concepts from previous terms, such as counting and place value, with Grade 2 students receiving additional preparation for next year’s NAPLAN assessments .It has been a productive term, and the students have shown great engagement in their learning journey.
This semester, students explored a range of topics through engaging activities that deepened their understanding and encouraged critical thinking. They compared different ticketing systems for public transport, analysing the benefits and challenges of paper tickets, smart cards, and mobile apps. Students examined how technology has transformed purchasing habits, such as the rise of online shopping and contactless payments, and considered its impact on modern lifestyles. They also used creativity and reasoning to predict future technological advancements, envisioning innovations like AI-driven solutions and smart infrastructure. Through hands-on learning, students created bio squares to identify and study living organisms, fostering an appreciation for biodiversity and ecological connections. Additionally, they explored the differences between the current Australian map and the Aboriginal Australian map, gaining insights into the diverse perspectives and histories each represents, while reflecting on the importance of sustainability in conserving resources, reducing waste, and building a healthier future.
During Term 4, the grades 1 and 2 students focused on investigating how different materials can be combined for particular purposes.
Students have been learning about mixtures and solutions that children and adults commonly use; they have investigated which mixtures are often used at home, such as breakfast cereal, and have identified mixtures used around the school, such as glitter glue in Art. There has been a focus on identifying and describing the properties of everyday materials, and how the properties of materials can change when mixed with other materials. Students have had fun experimenting to investigate the effects of mixing different materials, such as rice bubbles, icing sugar and cocoa and cornflour, and water. During these experiments, students have practiced their observation and recording skills which enabled them to determine the outcome of the experiments.
Well done Grade 1’s and 2’s on a fantastic year in Science!
During Term 4 in Grade 1/2 Auslan. The focus was on the following topics: People, Sports, Mealtimes, Time, Occupations, Seasons, Handshapes #2, Storytelling and Celebrations. The final lesson involved seeing interviews with deaf people discussing their deafness, family and their early life (Deaf Culture). Games and lessons that the students enjoyed learning throughout the term were revisited. Other core elements of Auslan, such as Constructed Action (mime) and Depicting Signs (representing people, animals and vehicles), Handshapes, Fingerspelling and Facial Expression, were taught and modelled, showing how they are essential parts of Auslan communication.
This final term for the year built on previous skills and extended student communication
in Auslan, encouraging immersion, repetition and sequential learning. Topics were built on each other to expand the learner’s knowledge, confidence, and comfort with the new language. With young Primary School students, fun activities, practising new learning was a priority, as their interest in the Auslan language developed. Songs and poems supported the activities and learning.
On the 26th of November, students participated and engaged in a check in visit and were given the opportunity for each class to meet and interact with a Deaf person. The team that attended on the day was an Australian Education Services Team Leader, Deaf team member, and an Interpreter. The Deaf team member presented and spoke to the children about their life as a Deaf person, followed by Auslan signing with the students, and some question time. This provided students with a first-hand interaction with a Deaf person and gave them a look at Deaf culture. Sessions on the day ran for 30 minutes. It was also a good opportunity to provide support for students and staff.
Congratulations to students for a wonderful year of learning Auslan!
What a fantastic final term we’ve had in Art! Grade 1/2 students revised and consolidated their pattern skills by repeating lines and colours in their art pieces. They also used the elements of form and texture. Students were able to apply their maths skills and cross curricular learning to understand how the element of form is used in artworks. They made mixed media artworks using a combination of different materials. These artworks focused on using and refining a range of skills that were covered in previous terms.
Grade 1/2 also explored and responded to artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Lots of experimentation and discussion took place as we discovered exciting creative possibilities.
Well done Grade 1/2 on a wonderful year in Art!
In this term the grade 1/2 students have focused on the sports of badminton and hockey to assist them in their development of the fundamental motor skills. They have all done a wonderful job. The skills worked on included, throwing, catching, striking, and running. Students during this term worked on these sports and tried to develop the relevant skills in each to then use in gameplay. The students in grade 1/2 are now able to showcase the skills required in each of these sports and can engage in a game-based approach to their learning in Physical Education.
The aim for our learning was to engage all students in games-based learning and give everyone the opportunity to showcase their skills in games. I believe this was achieved over the course of the year. During this time, students were also asked to problem-solve and begin to develop tactics to assist them when playing these sports. Well done on the year grade 1/2. Enjoy the break and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve next year in Physical Education.
In Music, the students explored how the different elements of music can create moods, effects and contrast. They experimented with different ways of playing instruments to create music and sound effects. They collaboratively planned and played music sequenced into sections. This included inventing graphic symbols for rhythm and pitch, to write and then read and play their compositions. As they focused on learning new songs, they explored how they can be sung and played in different ways by changing the rhythm, dynamics and tempo. The students responded to songs and music with movement, voice and body percussion and developed their understanding of texture as they sang and played together in groups and as a class. Students worked cooperatively in small groups and as a whole class and were encouraged to perform and celebrate their achievements.