VCE Philosophy

2025 VCE Study Design
VCAA have released the 2025 Study Design available here.
New Study Design Support
In Term 4, VAPS dedicated 2 days to unpacking and collectively resourcing for the new study design. These resources are uploaded (or in the process of uploading) to our website. The content is behind a paywall accessible via a VAPS membership. You can find:
- Vocabulary Support for each Text
- Concept Games for many of the key concepts in the Study Design
- Sample Planners
- Lists with Contemporary Applications and Case Studies
2025 Set Text PDF
The set texts for the new study design have been released. Tyson Foreman has collated them all and has been very generous with allowing VAPS to distribute.
It is available permanently via the member resources page on the VAPS website (and will be there fore the next 4 years for future reference).
It is also available here for convenience now.
2025 VCE Forums
At this stage we still plan on running the VCE Forums but due to the new study design we are reconsidering the format of the forums. So please WATCH THIS SPACE. The tentative dates are:
Unit 3 Forum - Sunday 18 May
Unit 4 Forum - Sunday 14 September
We may change these dates based on feedback or perceived need.
Contact: VCE Network
Peter Soutar or Bonnie Zuidland
Please see our website and events calendar page of this newsletter for full details about venues, times, and registrations for all events.
Please join the VAPS VCE google group here.
Please join our VAPS VCE Facebook group here.