Science Technology
and Numeracy
Science Technology
and Numeracy
Rasing Rarity is a program that St John’s has been running with the Royal Botanical Gardens for the last 2 years. The program focuses on students raising rare and endangered species and collecting seeds to build up plant numbers and seed stocks. The flower that St John’s is currently working with is The Swamp Everlasting, a perennial flower that is listed as Critically Endangered in Victoria under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, with very few wild populations still existing and with some of those only consisting of approximately 5 plants.
At St John’s, we currently have 32 of these plants, and under the guidance of the Royal Botanical Gardens, students have been experimenting with their growing conditions to determine the best conditions. So far, students have managed to bring most of these plants to flower, with some having upwards of 40 flowers. Many of these plants will go to seed over the coming weeks, with some already having done so.
I would like to congratulate the students involved in the program for their dedication, time, and effort, which they have put into it under Mrs. Cardinaletti's watchful eye. I hope to see the program continue with its successes for many years to come.
Mr Paul Colvin Science Technology & Numeracy Leader