Diary Dates
A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/
Diary Dates
A full 'live' calendar can be found on our School Website via https://www.cckingsville.catholic.edu.au/calendar/
13th - End of Year Mass @ 9:15am
-Footsteps Dance program
-Year 5/6 Summer Interschool Sport Grand Finals
-Reports and Portfolios Distributed
-Zooper Doopers sold at lunchtime $1.00 each
16th - Footsteps Dance program
-End of Year Picnic and Concert 6:00pm
( Back-Up Date 17th)
18th - Year 6 Candle Ceremony @ 12:30pm
-End of Term: Students finish at 1:15pm
29th - Students in Years 3-6 return to school
29th- 31st - Literacy and Numeracy testing for students in Years Prep-2
3rd- All students on-site
7th - Beginning of School Year Mass
14th - Big Brekky @ 8:00am
18th - Cyber Safety Day and Chromebook Meeting Yr 3 @ 5:30pm
25th PFA Meeting @ 6:30pm
4th - Year 3 First Reconciliation Parent/Child Workshop 7:00pm at Annunciation PS
5th - Ash Wednesday Mass @ 9:15pm
20th - Year 3 First Reconciliation 6pm @ Annunciation Church
24th - 28th OPEN WEEK
25th - PFA AGM @ 6:30pm
28th - Footsteps Dance Concert @ 2:00pm