Religious Education and Social Justice

Social Justice Update
Thank you very much for the generous response to our St Vincent de Paul Society’s Christmas Hamper Appeal. All the food items have been collected by our local St Vincent de Paul representatives. Together with donations from Annunciation and St Augustine's Schools about 40 hampers will be put together next week ready for delivery to local families who will be very grateful for some Christmas treats.
Over the past few weeks, we have raised $714 from the sale of Zooper Doopers. This money is being donated to Catholic Mission and the Mary MacKillop Foundation to support the work they do in caring for those in need.
Thank you for your support of our Social Justice initiatives during the year.
George and Mila
Social Justice Leaders
Advent Prayer Week 2
Dear Jesus,
you entered our world on Christmas
as the Prince of Peace.
This Advent, as we strive to become
fill us with a deep and abiding peace.
Help us share that peace
with everyone we encounter,
especially those who need it most.
Thank you to our families for supporting all we do at Corpus Christi. I wish everyone all the blessings of Christmas and the gifts of love, peace joy and hope. May you all have a very safe and relaxing holiday.
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader