2024 School Vice Captains

School Captains Graduation Speech
During the Graduation Ceremony, the School Vice Captains expressed their gratitude to the staff of Park Orchards Primary School, acknowledging the guidance and support they received throughout their journey.
Take a moment to read their thoughtful thank-you messages and celebrate the incredible impact of our dedicated staff.
Good evening, everyone. My name is Imaan and this is Tom, we are the 2024 School Vice Captains. We would like to share some of our highlights and achievements from our years at POPS. For me personally taking on leadership has probably been the biggest highlight of my time at POPS. I understood early on that I could make a difference in my role as a leader. Learning how to present to big crowds and becoming more confident as a person. The biggest achievement for me was speaking at the opening of the GEM Centre because I wasn't just speaking at assembly I was speaking in front of a community.
We would like to thank everyone who has helped us through our primary school years especially our parents and Year 6 teachers in our final year.
Thank you Mrs Garrity for being a supportive principal during our time at POPS you have encouraged us and supported us through our time of being at POPS. You have helped us and supported us to sort out problems and when we needed help. Thanks for being an amazing principal we greatly appreciate your kindness towards us.
Thanks, Mrs Bullen for always helping and supporting us when needed and you just being outside in the mornings having a small chat always brighten up everyone's day. You're so supportive and will do everything you can to make sure the students at POPS have an amazing day. We greatly appreciate what you've done for this school.
Thank you so much to all the year 6 teachers Mrs Debono, Ms Munforte, and Mr McKibbin. We have all learnt so much from you this year we've made so many memories and we have had a couple of laughs along the way. We can't thank you enough for how much you have taught us and how hard you work to help and provide us to make sure we have had an awesome time. You have all helped us with our confidence as well as our growth and made us feel more comfortable as we move on to high school.
Thank you Mrs Southgate so much for all you've done for all of our year 6s. You have been so kind and generous by giving up your time to make sure everyone is having a good day. You take care of us when we're having a bad day by making sure we're okay. We truly appreciate you taking the time to help us all. Thanks for being kind and generous.
We would now like to thank our specialist teachers for all your hard work to make our sessions fun and enjoyable!
We would love to give Mrs Moore a big thank you for all the time you've put in for us to have and amazing time in art. We thank you for all the dedication and hard work you have given us and the opportunities by letting us display our art.
Mrs Carbone, in all of our years at POPS l don't think l have ever had a bad P.E. session. Every week P.E has a highlight for everyone. Thank you for being a great P.E. co-ordinator. You make all sports seem so fun. Thank you so much for all the great memories in PE.
Miss Sarah, Thank you for always working so hard to make the productions and soirees amazing and fun. We thank you so much for all the fun times in drama, singing and dancing in Performing Arts.
Thank you Mrs Smith for your patience, and the effort you put into making science exciting for all of us. Your lessons have helped us explore, experiment, and discover new ideas.
And finally, we would like to thank LiMei Laoshi for teaching us Mandarin over the past 7 years, We all enjoyed the Mandarin excursion to the Chinese Museum and visiting China Town. Thanks so much for teaching us Mandarin and we all now know two languages. Shi Shi.
Thank you so much to the ladies who work in the school office Ms Elissa, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Muirhead, We appreciate you being taking care of us when we are feeling sick or injured. You do so much that most people don't know about; you have one of the most important jobs in the school, which we all appreciate.
Thank you Mrs Schaper for running the canteen and making our lunches from Wednesday to Friday. You have worked hard to provide us with delicious meals and helped us with our money when we were young and didn't know how much money we had or how much anything cost. You again have such an important role and you are very good at it. We appreciate everything you do for the school.
We had lots of fun and memorable years at Park Orchards Primary School. Too many to recall but they are memories that we will never forget. We are all looking forward to high school in the future but we will never forget all the fun times we have had at POPS. Thank you.