REC News

 Dear Parents / Carers

First Holy Communion Retreat

On Friday 21 June Year, 3 students attended a First Holy Communion Retreat. The morning began with Mass, listening to the Word and praying. Then the students journeyed through a meditation, talking to Jesus and feeling his presence. They made Rosary beads with their parents and then finished with morning tea. This retreat brought about a sense of belonging  and togetherness, as they continue their faith journey.


Grandparent's Day Mass

Winter Sleepout and RE Mufti Day Fundraiser - $5


Prayer / Praying

"Praying means entrusting yourself to God with everything. Praying means being silent and listening - it means letting Him into your daily life, into your flesh and your memory, into everything that you say, think and do. God has already taken the big step towards you. The path into prayer begins for you with only one small step - you are invited to take it - and pray. It may be that an individual prayer, sentence, or word strikes deep into your heart. Let these words sink into the depths of your soul. "


"Praying also means listening to God's voice. God speaks most explicitly in the words of Sacred Scripture, which the Church reads day after day. He speaks through the Tradition of the Church and the witness of the saints. God's word in Scripture makes it possible to hear the word of God in the heart and lends a voice to it. Give God a chance to speak in your prayer. "


Taken from YOUCAT (Yourth Prayer Book) 2011, pages 7,15 - Ethreshoven, August 2011 

Mass Times for St Anthony's Church

Saturday Vigil: 5.00pm

Sunday: 9.00am

Monday: No Mass

Tuesday: 6.15pm Mass

Wednesday: 9.00am Mass

Thursday: 9.00am Mass (Rosary after Mass)

Friday: 9.00am Mass

Saturday: No morning Mass



Wishing all the St Anthony families a happy and safe holiday, I look forward to working with you and your children in Term 3.


Kind Regards

May God’s blessings be with you,


Mrs Leanna Langlands

Religious Education Coordinator