Principal's Message

As we end Term 2, I would like to thank you for your support, enthusiasm and positive feedback throughout the term. We have had a wonderful term enriched with many engaging learning and teaching experiences and opportunities, filled with many examples of faith, fun and learning. For your attendance and support at events throughout the term, we thank you.
Our action packed Term 2 included: ANZAC DAY liturgy, Assemblies, Stage 2 Excursion to Taronga Zoo, Stage 2 & 3 Oz Tag & Soccer Gala Days, SCS Cross Country Carnival, Semester One Reports, Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences, Class Masses, Athletics Carnival, Public Speaking Presentations, St Anthony's Feast Day, Rabbitohs Visit, National Simultaneous Story Time, Stage 1 Ranger Jamie Incursion, Family Mass, National Sorry Day, SCS Dance, Drama & Choir Eisteddfod, 100 Days in Kindergarten, Our Lady Help of Christians Mass, Reconciliation Week, Koojay Corroboree Coogee Beach, Sacrament of First Holy Communion, Playgroup, Netball, Amadeus Concert, Eisteddfod Performance for Parents, Mothers Day Mass and Morning Tea and Refugee Week, Mona the Therapy Dog Visits, Maths Challenge Day, Feathers, Fur, Scales, Skin or Hair Presentations.
Working together is what continues to build our strong community. I look forward to seeing our wonderful students at the beginning of Term 3 after a well earned break on Monday 22 July.
Thank you for your continued support. It is in partnership that we can achieve great things for our children.
End of Term Prayer
We thank you Lord, for this term.
For the challenges, the successes,
and the mistakes from which we have learnt.
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right:
to be witnesses of our faith.
Help us to see the face of Christ in others these holidays,
to appreciate what others do for us,
to give time and effort to help others.
To be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us safe in our activities;
give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.
We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents
And a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives. Amen
TTFM Thank You
Thank you to the many parents who recently completed the ‘Tell Them From Me’ survey. We look forward to seeing the data generated from this survey in order to provide the best possible Catholic education for your child and to better support you as the primary educators of your children. As always, please feel free to contact your child’s class teacher, Mrs Iorfino or myself if there is anything that we can do to support you or your child.
P/T/S Conferences
It was wonderful to see so many parents arriving for their Parent/Teacher/Student conferences and speaking so positively about their child’s progress, so realistically about their child’s challenges and so warmly about their child’s teacher. I certainly welcome your feedback regarding any aspect of the P/T/S conferences.
Parents and teachers are both vital and critical to the wellbeing and development of our children and we must always work together to make the most of children’s learning and to nurture their talents.
Our teachers spend the ‘9 to 3’ part of the day with the children, facilitating their learning. Countless hours aside from this time are then spent each day correcting and assessing the student’s work planning lessons, preparing resources, meeting with support teachers to discuss children’s needs, professional development to continually improve the quality of their teaching, regular meetings with parents to discuss children’s progress, staff meetings, organising excursion opportunities, carnivals and many, many more while, at the same time, juggling their own family lives and finding time for reflection and self renewal.
My appreciation and thanks to you as parents for your valuable role as the primary educators of your child and to the teachers, a dedicated team of professionals who give so generously of their self, skills and time. Improving the learning outcomes for all children at STA is our core business. The children are our first priority. This is a great Catholic school that has helped produce not just well educated young adults, but compassionate people who, because of their faith, confidently embrace a future with hope and joy. I hope that you are as proud to be a part of this community as I am.
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
We congratulate these students for receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.
May your faith continue to grow stronger each day.
Aviva | Olivia |
James | Neve |
William | Louis |
Benedict | Charles |
Jake | Daisy |
Aidan | Mia |
Violet | Tanea |
A Heartwarming Visit from Mona the Therapy Dog
The students were thrilled with a special visitor to St. Anthony's. Mona, a 4-year-old Groodle with hypoallergenic fur, visited STA. Mona is an accredited therapy dog through Delta Dogs, known for her comforting visits to hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.
Mona is a regular at Prince of Wales Hospital, where she visits every Wednesday to provide much-needed comfort to those in ICU and the ED, in return for some belly rubs and cuddles. Her incredibly kind and gentle temperament makes her the perfect companion. On weekends, Mona can be found on the sidelines of netball, AFL, or soccer games, where children flock to her for a pat. She is even known for receiving pats from those who claim to be 'not dog-people.'
In addition to her hospital visits, Mona also has corporate experience. She works for a program called Paws the Pressure, visiting workplaces to encourage employees to take short breaks from work, connect with colleagues, and experience the joy of a fluffy visitor. The benefits Mona brings to workplaces extend to schools as well. There is ample evidence showing that therapy dogs in schools boost student morale and happiness, improve concentration, increase work ethic, and have a positive, motivating, and performance-enhancing effect. They also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and foster socialisation and collaboration.
During her visits to St. Anthony's in Term 2, both teachers and students experienced Mona's calming presence. Whether children read to Mona, practiced their presentations, or explained math problems to her, Mona provided non-judgmental support that encouraged their confidence.
We are especially grateful to Stefanie Mikolaizak (Tilly, Year 6) for bringing Mona to St. Anthony's and staying with her during the visits. Stefanie’s generosity in sharing Mona’s time with our school community is greatly appreciated.
Eisteddfod Performances
Our students got into character and brought us passion, heart, and stellar performances during the Eisteddfod assembly in week 8. A huge thanks to Mrs. McInness and Miss Jade for preparing and choreographing the students! Your dedication and hard work truly made a difference!
Celebrating 100 days in Kindergarten!
Today our Kindergarten students were invited to come along dressed as a ‘grand old spring chicken’ to celebrate being at school for 100 days. They had lots of fun, engaging with activities to celebrate ‘100’.
Weeks 8 & 9 Assembly - Congratulations to the award recipients!
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak