Student of the Week

Congratulations to last weeks award winners:


Week 10 


Kiana H (Foundation)  - for being respectful. You are always helpful and caring towards your classmates. Well done on showing amazing mutual respect and attentive listening during our classes.

Emmanuel T(12A) always including others and listening attentively. Well done for helping other students to solve math problems and showing them how to use different strategies. You are a super star!

Marly M (56A)For constantly showing your personal best in all tasks. You persevere with maths concepts until you have a solid understanding and have put extra time and effort into your natural disasters project so that you and your partner have a detailed presentation. Fantastic effort, Marly! 

Tane C (56B) by including the younger students in Gardening Club and Tech Club. Tane always looks after the younger students and tries to assist and support them whenever he can.



Week 11 - No awards







