It’s a very exciting time at KSC at the moment with plenty of positive things happening!
Over the last two weeks we’ve recognised the significance of National Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week and Mabo Day. We started each day with a different Acknowledgement of Country, each describing a different aspect of the importance of these days. On Friday, Year 11 student Lenna Scholtmeyer gave a powerful Wecome to Country, describing the significance of these days from her perspective.
This week our Year 8 – 11 students have started their mid-year exam period. Good luck to all students during what can be a challenging time. I’m sure that the hard work you’ve put in over the semester so far will pay off. Exams continue next week after the Kings Birthday Long Weekend.
Also during this week our Year 11s have spent two days in Melbourne on their year level camp, while our Year 7 – 9s have spent today participating in the Festival of Big Ideas incursion. These are both fantastic learning opportunities for students which complement their regular classes.
Earlier this week we had our June meeting of our School Council. At this meeting we continued our focus on our Attendance and Bullying Prevention policies. Just in time for this meeting, we received some preliminary results from the Student Attitudes to School Survey data that was completed earlier this term. We’ll look into this data in more detail shortly, but results from this survey show a significant increase in students’ attitudes towards attendance, and a significant decrease in students experiencing any form of bullying or racism. All these results are now far more positive than the state or similar school averages. This also goes along with an overall increase in our attendance for this year. Great work everyone!
Speaking of School Council, last year we had a couple of groups of students write to our School Council, requesting we consider adding tracksuit pants and a hoodie to our school uniform. We worked with the students and School Council to make this happen, and last week our new uniform supplier, Beleza Uniforms, dropped off some samples of what will soon be our new KSC Uniform tracksuit pants and our new KSC Uniform hoodies. We understand that by late next week these will be available for purchase through the online portal as well as in store. Beleza has also offered KSC Uniform puffer jackets and KSC Uniform soft shell jackets. These are available online NOW!
Once we know when our full uniform is available for purchase, we’ll set a date by which all students will be required to be in our new uniform. We’ll communicate this to students and parents as soon as possible.
June is recognised as International Pride Month and this is an opportunity for us to celebrate our diversity as a community and let everyone know that it is safe to be themselves at KSC. Following the conclusion of our exam period and other significant events, activities will be running to celebrate Pride Month. Stay tuned for these.
The Winter Edition of The Burra Flyer has just landed in stores around Korumburra and surrounding districts. Well done once again to our Like Minds class for producing this publication. It’s a great way for this group to develop a range of real-world capabilities including teamwork, communication and digital literacy, while also contributing to their local community.
Communication with parents and students remains a priority for us as we continue to refine and develop the ways we make information available to our community.
The wonderful Brendan Kellow has built a new website for us which will be up and running shortly. Please make sure you follow our Facebook page for highlights of life at KSC as well as other important information. And don’t forget to check our Compass Newsfeed each day for updates and need to know information.
Have a great long weekend everyone, and we’ll see you next week.