Student Wellbeing

Paw Pals, Student Anxiety Support Program, and School Refusal.

Paw Pals Program

We are excited to announce that Aberfeldie has partnered with the Paw Pals program. The Paw Pals program focuses on building student engagement and confidence through animal assisted educational-based activities and lessons. Working alongside trained therapy dogs and program educators, the program offers a planned and structured student intervention with specific academic goals. 

What the Paw Pal program aims to do:

  • Increase student social confidence and emotional intelligence
  • Improve student self-regulation and management skills
  • Increase student engagement in academic based learning tasks
  • Deliver positive learning experiences and opportunities for student success

Selected students in Years 3-6 will take part in this program throughout Term 3.


Clinicians at Swinburne University have developed a program to help parents manage childhood anxiety in children aged 6-11 years. Does your child experience any of the following?

  • Difficulties sleeping at night due to worries 
  • Fears and phobias 
  • Difficulty separating from you or worrying about parental safety
  • Trouble sleeping alone in their bed
  • Fear of the dark
  • Scared of lifts, trains, and people
  • Fear of dogs and other animals
  • Excessive worry and constant reassurance seeking
  • Fear of germs and other health problems

Please click the link below for more details and information in how to take part.

School Refusal

The phrase "I don’t want to go to school" is something many parents and caregivers hear often. However, what happens when a student shows intense and ongoing anxiety about attending school, to the point where they refuse to go entirely?


'School phobia,' or school refusal, occurs when children or adolescents experience significant, prolonged distress about going to school. This can be triggered by fears of leaving home, leaving family, social issues, or learning challenges.


School refusal has become an increasing concern for families in Victoria, with many young people facing persistent anxiety about attending school.


Early identification and intervention is essential in supporting children avoiding or refusing to go to school. If you have concerns about your child's attitude towards attending school, please reach out to Erin McNamara on