Family Go Fund Me

Help an Aberfeldie family in need

An Aberfeldie Primary School Family are requesting community support:


Hello, my name is Gayathri Perera some of you may know me as Nishy. 


My mother, Carmel is visiting Australia for the first time and has only been in Melbourne since January this year. Currently she is fighting for her life in the ICU at sunshine hospital after a sudden infection which has now lead to be a flesh eating disease, she had been sedated for several weeks due to the unbearable pain and has recently lost her left hand due to this disease as it is rapidly spreading.  To put into perspective my family and I have only been here since September 2023 from Srilanka, my husband and I h low income jobs as well as looking after our three young children ages 11, 8 and 6 years so you can imagine we are very much struggling with these high cost medical bills, let alone we are already trying to keep on top of our regularly weekly expenses and raising 3 kids. 


Any donation would be very much appreciated no matter how small it will help my family and I a great deal and will still have a big positive impact for us. Please help us to make Carmel regain her strength to fight this horrible disease and to get back to her usual joyful and smiley self.