School News & Events

School Values Awards

Each week we present School Value Awards for students who have upheld or demonstrated one of our Pilgrim values: Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve. The students are presented with their award at our weekly Worships.


Term 2, Week 7             

Belong: Nate 

Explore: Imogen

Flourish: Lucy

Serve: Anni

Term 2, Week 8               

Belong: Teddy

Explore: Isabel

Flourish: Hannah

Serve: Mercy

Brett Middleton wins gold

Recently Brett Middleton (Campus Sport and Pilgrim Wellbeing Coordinator) and his wife represented Australia in Ultimate Frisbee during the Asia Oceanic Beach Ultimate Championships. Playing multiple games on a beautiful beach in Japan, the Australian team won gold in the Master Mixed Division. Congratulations to Brett and Sarah and the Australian team on all that hard work paying off!

Choral Eisteddfod

On the 6th of June, our Pilgrim Choir competed in the Adelaide Choral Eisteddfod in the Primary Schools division. The choir performed beautifully, producing a great sound with wonderful enthusiasm and showing great discipline and presence on stage. Pilgrim Choir got an honourable mention with a score of 86/100. We are very proud of the choir and all they have achieved.


Kate Tretheway

Pilgrim Choir Conductor

Casual Day

On Friday 5th July (Week 10), we are holding a casual day and the money raised will go towards a project to be selected by the Pilgrim Student Representative Council (SRC). Further information will be sent home to families next week. 

Pilgrim School Musical - tickets on sale!

Our school musical is now only 2 weeks away! Please use the link below for Musical News updates, including ticket sale information.  There has been a large amount of useful information included this week, so please ensure you read each page and keep the link bookmarked for future reference.



Faith in our Future: Adelaide 

Some of our staff team recently attended the Faith in our Future event looking at the proposed legislative changes before the Government which are likely to have an impact on the ability of Christian Schools to employ Christian staff. There were 700 people present to hear a number of stories from students, staff and families about their experiences in Christian schools.


Please would you continue to pray about this proposed legislation change; consider writing to your local Member of Parliament to express your concerns; and join over 12,000 people who have signed up at to express our support for Christian teachers in Christian schools across Australia.



School Uniform Checks 

In the last few weeks of term, our staff will continue checking whether students are wearing correct uniform. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct items as per our uniform policy when they come to school. Please note the following:


As we are now in the winter months, full winter formal uniform is to be worn. Our winter uniform does not include a mix of summer and winter uniform items. 



  • A watch with functionality of telling the time and step counting only may be worn (no smart watches).
  • Earrings – single plain round metal stud or plain sleeper in both ear lobes. 


  • longer than shoulders must be tied back from face (entirely up).
  • hair accessories should be uniform colours.
  • haircuts should be no less than ‘Number 2’.


  • Conventional black school shoes (not black sneakers that are sometimes marketed as school shoes) need to be worn.
  • Only students in F-2 may wear black school shoes with Velcro.

Additional items

  • No clothing such as singlets, T-shirts or leggings should be visible under the uniform.
  • Coats and gloves in maroon, blue or grey are optional and for outside wear only and are worn over the school jumper or the Campus sports jacket.

If you have questions about uniform, please contact Kristen Heath or the Front Office staff. Teachers will send parents an email if they notice there are components of the uniform your family needs to address.

Enrolments for 2025 

If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Foundation for 2025 (either Term 1 or midyear), please encourage them to contact Kristen Heath on 8270 3033 or by email, We currently have 26 students enrolled to start Foundation next year and we are considering starting a waiting list for further enrolments. It would be important for families to complete an application for enrolment as soon as possible to secure a placement for 2025.