Letter to Family and Friends

Dear Pilgrim Families, 


I was recently asked by a parent on a tour of our school, 'What do you love about your job?'


A great question! I paused before answering as there are so many things I could have said. I responded with how hard it was to say just one, but I love the connections I make with our students when they first begin school and then the moment when they first read me a book independently as they have connected some sounds and put them together - that moment is priceless and one I just love to see and be a part of. The other part of my job I mentioned was that currently, I have a very unique role in working in many spaces across Pilgrim and making different connections with families and students. 


Through our Belong and Blossom Playgroup, our LEAP program for those students starting school in Term 3, and being in class, I am given the opportunity to connect in many different ways with families, students and siblings. It is a time when families can begin to check out Pilgrim, ask lots of questions about the Early Years Team and find out how things work in the first few years of school. 


So, the second part to the question was the relationships I build with families as they come into Pilgrim. I get to know them before they even begin school. It is pretty special developing a relationship with little people and them making connections with me so they already feel they Belong to Pilgrim!


As a teacher and parent of three, it is important for me to build good relationships as it helps them feel supported, valued and loved.


The Bible outlines many principles for us to follow and remember when we work with our young ones. Some of my personal favourites are to: 


Train up a child in the way they should go... Proverbs 22:6 


Everyone should be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.  James 1:19


Love one another. John 13:34


Speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:15


So, make some time to spend together, listen to your children, be patient, and be kind to one another. 




Lisa Newbury

Early Years Coordinator