
Welcome back for Term 3, we hope students had a restful break!
At the end of last term we held the prize draw for the Regular Readers Raffle. Students who were seen reading in the library outside of class time at least three times were given a ticket to the raffle, and for Term 2 we had a grand total of 31 students who had entries.
First prize (a $12 caf voucher) was won by Parneet Kaur of 8R, second prize ($6 caf voucher) was won by Ella Boyce of 8S, and third prize was won by Liam Carney of 9S.
(Left to right: Liam, Ella, and Parneet with their prizes)
In the last week of Term 2 we held a “Solve the Anagram” competition – students had to solve the anagram to correctly guess the title of a fairytale or nursery rhyme each day to win a prize.
The winners were:
Monday – Keira Atherton (10E)
Tuesday – Lily Sweetten (9B)
Wednesday – Zach Hutton (10P)
Thursday – Harrison McDougall (7E)
Friday – William Hyde (8N)
Each student won a lolly or chocolate frog and a $3 caf voucher. Look out for more competitions this term (especially during Book Week next month)!
This week we are celebrating NAIDOC Week! We are displaying some beautiful artwork for BHS students and some information on what NAIDOC Week is all about.
We are asking students to colour in a cut-out hand or a feather (provided) and add it to the display – we hope to see some more by the end of next week!
Geelong Regional Library will be back to host more games and activities this term, dates and details are as follows:
- Monday 22nd July, lunchtime: Colour your stress away
- Monday 5th August, lunchtime: Boardgames
- *Tuesday 20th August, lunchtime: Book Week Badgemaking (TBC)*
- Monday 2nd September, lunchtime: Boardgames
- Monday 16th September, lunchtime: Mini teabag art
The library will remain open to all students during these times.
Year 8 Readers’ Cup will be starting soon! We are hoping to get a team of 3-4 students from every Year 8 class to compete in this reading competition later in the year. Those who are eager to get started – please come and see one of our friendly librarians!
The Premier’s Reading Challenge closes on Friday 6th September. We currently have 46 students across Years 7-10 actively participating in the Challenge, with 17 already finished!
In order to verify students who have completed the Challenge, we are asking for a brief email/note from parents or guardians to confirm that their child has read all of the books listed on their profiles.
We look forward to celebrating those who complete the Challenge with a pizza lunch and Dymocks gift voucher prize draw later in the year!
There are new additions to our AudioBook ePlatform:
- The Sun and the Star (a Nico Di Angelo adventure, from the world of Percy Jackson) by Rick Riordan
- Better than the Movies by Lynn Painter
- Powerless by Lauren Roberts
- The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
Students can access the ePlatform via a link on the LibGuides homepage or the library catalogue homepage, look for this icon:
The books listed are also available on our bookshelves.