Student Superstars!

Reports from our Blocks

Zone Soccer Championships

Harper represented the Campbelltown Zone is Girls Soccer in the South West Sydney Championships. Congratulations Harper! The school community is so proud of you!


E Block - K/6 Koalas (Support Unit)

We are super excited that some of our little artists currently have their artworks displayed in Campbelltown Mall for the Drawing Us Together competition. Congratulations to Jack, Lila, Bashr, Braxton and Connor for their wonderful efforts!


K/6 Koalas also ventured out to Campbelltown City Bowl for our first Support Unit excursion in 2 years! Everyone had a wonderful time battling their teammates in a bowling competition. The teachers also had a blast showing off their bowling skills! Well done to all who attended - you represented our school beautifully by being safe and respectful learners.


E Block - 5/6BG


Over the past few weeks, 5/6BG has been exploring poetry inspired by the book Spotlight by Solli Raphael. Impressively, Solli was just 12 years old when he became a published poet! Here are a few examples of the limericks we've written.


Science in D Block!

This term in Science, D Block is learning about food and fibre production.  We looked at the production of butter. The students learnt the science behind the process through experimentation. We identified that cream is made up of fats and liquids. When it is agitated for a long period of time, the solids break apart from the liquids. The end result is a solid fat-based product, which is butter, and a liquid with a low amount of fat in it, which is buttermilk. The kids did an amazing job throughout the entire process, taking turns shaking their containers.  Some groups were shaking for over 20 minutes before they saw change! It is safe to say from the smiles on their faces, that they all enjoyed this experiment!


Indigenous Games Tabloid


Our amazing Year 6 ‘Buddy Class’ leaders ran an Indigenous Games session for the whole school on Friday 14th June. It involved the leaders running individual games across all classes K-6 on a rotational format where all students participated with great enthusiasm and respect.

Well done Year 6!


C Block


KP has had a very busy term! Students have been reading, writing, counting and so much more! They have been enjoying making artworks and singing songs. KP especially enjoyed singing ‘Red, Black and Yellow’ for their NAIDOC performance.



KJ have been working really hard on their new English unit 7, Reading 'Shoes from Grandpa'. Learning all about narratives, proper nouns, and pronouns. KJ even got the opportunity to decorate their own shoe!



1/2M have been extremely busy this term. We have been learning about different types of poems and techniques authors use to make their writing more interesting. We even published our own acrostic poems! We learnt about equivalence and how different combinations of numbers can make the same total. We always enjoy creating artworks through different mediums such as pencils, paint and much more. We have been learning about Aboriginal culture by looking at Aboriginal artifacts and having our Year 6 Buddies teach us Indigenous Games. We are looking forward to many more fun things throughout the rest of the year!



1/2D have had a huge term of learning! Fluency pairs occur almost daily where we practise our excellent reading skills. Reading groups is always a busy time! Our spelling station is always busy with word sorts, rainbow writing, and segmenting boxes. We practise our handwriting skills during reading groups too! We've been so busy with our Maths term and we also love to do Art! We are looking forward to Term 3!



1/2B have had such a busy couple of weeks! From writing poetry and a persuasive text about saving Koalas, to making 3-Dimensional objects and using a digital arm balance to explore equivalence. We loved when our buddies taught us some Aboriginal games. Science has been one of our favourite topics, learning about where our food comes from. We have even been growing our own! We can’t wait for the next half of the year!