What's been happening this term?

Drawing Us Together, Debating, NAIDOC Week

Drawing Us Together

Stages across the school were read a collection of stories written by Indigenous authors. They were asked to make an artwork representing the characters and settings described. 6 students from each stage were chosen to have their artworks displayed in Campbelltown Mall.



This term the debating team has competed in 4 rounds of the Premier's Debating Challenge. Both teams have achieved so much this term, developing their ability to persuade, rebut and speak publicly in front of an audience and adjudicator. Woodie’s Warriors were successful in one of their 4 debates, with the other 3 being very close matches. Woodie’s Winners are undefeated, having won all 4 of their debates!

Congratulations to both teams. You have made your school very proud.



On Thursday 5th July, Woodland Road Public School participated in a range of activities to celebrate and acknowledge NAIDOC week! We began our day with a NAIDOC Assembly where our AECG leaders did a fantastic job in leading our assembly and the Gamarada group leading us into the Dharawal Anthem, Each stage performed a song inspired by Aboriginal musical artists and we were fortunate enough to have Thomas Acres Public School as our special guests, performing Inanay. Proud Aboriginal students were acknowledged for their commitment to culture and some students delivered a personal poem about what being Aboriginal means to them. Once the assembly was finished, our families joined us for a BBQ family picnic where our Stage 3 leaders conducted a variety of Aboriginal games. After lunch, we had open classrooms across the school where our families were able to visit and participate in Aboriginal inspired lessons and activities across the entire school. A fantastic day celebrating Aboriginal culture and traditions!