Principal's Report

Principal Report
As we move towards the last weeks of the term and the semester, we are commencing a peak time for student assessment. Year 11 students commenced exams this week, whilst our Year 10 students are preparing for their formal examination period next week. Year 9 students are also facing their first exam experience as they prepare for their English and Maths exams on Monday 17 June. All students currently studying a Year 12 subject will sit for their first external assessment with the GAT being held on June 18.
This period of time may see some of our students feeling slightly anxious and apprehensive. As parents you can assist your children, our students, to build their self-management skills by working with them on strategies to help organise their time effectively, to identify the ways they best revise for tests and exams and by ensuring they have a study space at home which is free from distractions and interruptions. Continuing with routines outside of school and study time is also important. Continuing with sporting and other activities can assist in alleviating anxieties and contribute to maintaining a positive frame of mind during this time.
Above all, this time should be viewed as a learning experience for all students. The resilience developed during these busy weeks of a school term is a valuable tool to prepare our young people for the challenging rigours of VCE and tertiary examinations and the multitude of tasks within the workforce in later years. As stressful as these moments may seem, and that is genuine, they can lay a positive platform for the coping mechanisms and organisational skills that we develop as adolescents moving into adulthood.
Please do not hesitate to contact your sons and daughters’ subject teachers if you have any questions about their learning program or for further information on study techniques.
The College Showcasing of Student Talent Proudly Continues With ...
NEVR Hamer Hall 'Sonic Canvas' Concert
Held on Wednesday evening, student groups from across the North Eastern Victorian Region performed in bands, orchestras and choirs. Once again, many of our students performed on the night, and have once again been wonderful ambassadors for our College. Congratulations to all involved.
Year 9 Performing Arts
Congratulations to our Year 9 Performing Arts class who last night presented their class production ‘Crossroads’. The class have been hard at work, under the expert guidance of their teacher Brendan Gan, putting together all aspects of the show from the engaging performances, backstage and technical crew. It is wonderful to see our students demonstrating a broad array of talents.
Winter Warmers Music Concert
A reminder that our Winter Warmers Music Concerts will be conducted next Thursday (13 June). We welcome our Instrumental music students and ensembles to the stage of our Performing Arts Centre.
Winter Concert 1- 6:30-7:30pm
Showcased in the College Performing Arts Centre featuring the Concert Band, Etude Band, Euphonix Vocal Group and Sempre Strings.
Winter Concert 2- 8:00-9:20pm
Showcased in the College Performing Arts Centre featuring the Da Capo Strings, Recital Choir, Stage Band, String Group and Vivo Band.
Please note that EDSC Parents and Friends Association will be selling refreshments between the two concerts.
Tickets are available from:
Do ensure that you book for the correct concert for your child.
Student Achievements
Congratulations to Tristan 9G who is excelling in the field of fencing. Tristan won the individual champion of men's Epee in the Middle School Division of Victoria Interschool Epee League. Well done Tristan !
I would also like to recognised the outstanding tennis achievements of Christopher 7E. Earlier this year Christopher was invited into the Tennis Australia National Support Player Program and it is fair to say he has gone from strength to strength. Tennis Australia are sending Christopher to Europe for 4 weeks to compete in tournaments. No doubt this will be an incredible experience for him and will provide him the opportunity to meet new challenges on the court.
Christopher also qualified first in Victoria at the Bruce Cup trials. He will continue on to be part of a team representing Victoria at the School Sport Australia's Bruce Cup later this year, in Darwin.
We wish Christopher every success on the tournaments ahead and congratulate him on what are truly outstanding achievements.
Reporting and Assessment Day – Friday 21 June
I would ask that students and parents please note that Friday 21 June will be a pupil-free day as our teachers are given the opportunity of completing learning task and examination corrections and finalise their Cycle 3 reports.
Census Data Collection – Student Family Occupation and Updating Family Details
Every year the Department of Education conduct a census in August which helps determine the level of our schools’ student-based funding. To ensure that the College is able to continue to provide quality programs and an efficient learning environment for our students it relies on being supported by Department funding. Student Family Occupation details are an important component used by DE to formulate our correct level of funding. These details are originally collected on your child’s enrolment form but are often not up to date. For this census to be accurate we ask that all family details are up to date, including parent occupation and occupation code, employer and all contact details. Please complete the data collection form, even if you believe your details have not changed, and return to the College Reception as soon as possible. For assistance with identifying what occupation code to use please refer to the attached document.
It is also vital that families maintain up to date contact information. If your details change we ask that you please complete the Change of Details Form (below) and return to Reception or via email to
Karen Boyle