Primary School

Week Nine has been a rush of fun, germs and whole-school mingling. There have been many absences this week from various colds and coughs floating around our community. We hope that all people who have been affected by these illnesses are either on the road to recovery and getting back into the swing of routine or keeping warm and rugged up to help shorten the length of convalescence.  


We have also had lots of opportunities to come together as a Kindergarten to Year Twelve school with both a whole-school assembly and our final Stretch and Challenge session with VACS students from Secondary School attending to assist with Mathematics learning. We were enormously proud of our Primary School speakers at assembly on Monday who shared Bible readings, Acknowledgements of Country, camp reflections and Community Service announcements. 


On Tuesday our Kindergarten and Year One classes were treated to a mesmerising performance of Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by the esteemed Spare Parts Theatre Company. The stage came alive with enchanting storytelling and whimsical characters, transporting us to a world of imagination and wonder. Through laughter and tears, we were spellbound by the power of theatre to inspire, educate and ignite our imaginations. 


Culture, Engagement, and Excellence 

Flying High for Eagles Cup Tour 


At 6.15am we were all at school ready for departure. With Mr Steytler’s headlights on so we could put our bags in the trailer and parents waving us goodbye, we set off to Mount Barker. When we got to Mount Barker, we could see the sun had risen and the bus became fuller. Of course, we had to stop at Mount Barker Bakery for the teachers’ coffee to prepare them for the road trip ahead. 


After stopping at Williams for a break at the playground, we ventured on our long five and a half hour bus ride. We eventually arrived in Perth with us blasting music to get us pumped up for the Guilford Grammar game. Guilford Grammar unfortunately beat us by 18 points (three goals). Unfortunately, we ended up with four students with finger injuries. Then we hopped on the bus and went straight to the next game against Court Grammar. We got fired up again with our music and unfortunately lost again...let’s just say they were a footy academy and had two state players. Our score was a respectable 100-6.  


Arriving late back to camp we got our bags out of the trailer and headed into the dorms. We had a games room joining the two dorms on either side. We made our beds and went to the showers. For dinner that night, we had fish, chips, and burgers. After watching a movie, we headed to bed around 8.30pm and were fast asleep by 9.00pm.  



We woke up nice and early, ready for the exciting day ahead, all a little bit tired but we managed to stay awake for breakfast. We spent the morning playing footy golf and had an air hockey competition.  While we were on the bus, everyone was assigned groups. One was ‘Sweet Caroline’, Mr Steytler's group, Mr Hardey’s group and Mr Berryman’s group.   


The girls had the opportunity to speak with one of the female Claremont players from Albany, Taylah Orzel. Everyone was able to go into Subiaco’s changerooms after the game. It was very cool to see what it is like after a professional team wins. It was not the most divine smell as it smelt like wet socks. 


Once we left the changerooms, Mr Berryman gave us all $20 to spend on lunch; whatever was left was yours! When we had all finished our lunch, we headed straight to Optus Stadium! We got there an hour early to make sure we could park the bus.  

It was Eagles vs North Melbourne. At first, we all thought Eagles had it in the bag, but North Melbourne was in front for two quarters. Then the fourth quarter came, and the Eagles were fired up. Eagles got in front by two points, and everyone thought they had their win but then Melbourne scored and then again and then again and the sirens went!  

With tears in our eyes, we went to the AFL store to cheer ourselves up. When we had all finished at the store we headed to the car park not knowing we would be sitting there for 40 minutes blasting music and trading footy cards.  


Once we got back to camp, we all went for showers and waited for the pizza to arrive. When we had finished dinner Mr Hardey announced a talent show and we all started making an act. Mr Steytler and Miss Boyley were ready to judge. First was Cooper with his magic (did not go too well). Second were the Bottle Flipping Guys (Robbie and Joele); they landed one, but it was very confusing. Up next were the Boys in Pink. With Chris’s rap and Kobi and Harry’s dancing they took first place. Finally, were the Seven Dwarfs and Snow White, with Mr Hardey with a bed sheet wrapped around his waist making it look like a dress.  

It ended up in a draw so there was a tie breaker between the girls and the Boys in Pink, only having five minutes to make up a dance. The Boys in Pink ended up with the win by half a point. 



We all woke up nice and early ready for departure at 8.00am or that's what we thought... 

All our bags in the trailer, seats found, buckles fastened and then Mr Berryman hopped on. All of us thought he was getting into his seat to drive us home, until he asked us to get off the bus... 

One flat tyre, many hours of waiting around, a very long road trip home until we finally pulled into GSG at a respectable 5.45pm.


The trip was such a good experience. We all had a wonderful time, and we are so grateful to Mr Berryman, Mr Hardey, Mr Steytler and Miss Boyley for their time and effort over the weekend to give us such an awesome trip!


Maggie Stephens & Kate Levett | Year Six students

Briefing News 

ECC Briefing was short this week as Kindergarten and Year One had just returned from a wonderful performance of Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge. The Kindergarten class had invited their grandparents to start the day in the classroom and then enjoy the performance with us.  


We spoke about the importance of wearing lots of layers as the weather is so unpredictable. Please make sure all uniform has a name on it.  


Star Awards 

Kindergarten – Avery Laurens 

Pre-Primary – Odin Stephenson 

Year One – Alex Schaefer 

Upcoming Events 

Week Ten 

Tuesday 18 June – Wilson Day ‘Wear your Colours’  

Wednesday 19 June – Year Six Paul Litherland Guest Speaker  

Thursday 20 June – Primary Interschool Cross Country, at GSG, 12.00pm to 2.45pm 

Friday 21 June – Primary School assembly (Year Three), in the Hall, 2.20pm to 2.50pm 

Friday 21 June – P&F Djinda Family Event ECC, 3.00pm to 4.00pm 


Week Eleven 

Friday 28 June – last day of term  


Enjoy the weekend, 

Mrs Hayley Ranger and Miss Carys Nichols | Acting Heads of Primary