From the Wellness Centre

Taming the Gruffalo

If you know the wonderful story of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, you may appreciate this metaphor. Throughout this long term, I reckon many of us have felt like that little forest mouse 

who never gave up, even when his patience, his faith, his capacity for optimism and humour and his time availability were continually thwarted and tested. That mighty mouse used his creativity, his moment to moment presence, his guile, his kindness, his psychological flexibility, his network of forest creatures, and his self-belief to prevail. 

This term has featured so many exhilarating and exacting challenges and many of the incredible students whom I share my world with have climbed their Everests, have overcome some gnarly big emotions, have dusted off after some existential disappointments, and have simply continued to show up day to day. 


We are human together – this is the luminous thread that connects us, and which demands our loving attention. 


Some really helpful resources and links for families to negotiate these busy and often relentless times include:

headspace Albany | Youth Mental Health Centre & Services

Can Do Albany

About | Happy Families

About Us | Parenting Strategies

Linda Stade Education - Writer, Speaker, Consultant

Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800

Maggie Dent - Home | Resources for those who live & work with children

Adolescent Development |

Teens mental health: services and links | Raising Children Network


For Parents - Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health

Apropos the Black Dog link above, there are two offerings of the same free webinar on both Monday 17 June, and Thursday 27 June, the topic of which is Teen mental health matters for Parents and Carers. Adolescence is a period of massive physical, emotional, social, and cognitive change that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. Parents and carers play a crucial role in supporting young people to navigate this life stage.

Men’s Mental Health Month: MHFA Australia

This month, we proudly observe Men's Health Week from 10 June to 16 June, dedicated to addressing the mental health challenges that men face. 

Men often face societal pressures that discourage them from seeking help or expressing their emotions. This can lead to mental health distress, including higher rates of depression and suicide. Men's Health Week is a vital opportunity to raise awareness, promote open conversations, and take action to support men in our community.


Men's Health Week is a reminder that mental wellbeing is crucial for everyone. At the Mental Health Foundation Australia, we are dedicated to supporting men through advocacy, education and direct support services such as peer support groups to encourage open conversations about mental health.

For more information on our initiatives and to get involved, visit


Best wishes in managing the next fortnight. I’m channeling my Mouse to face off the Gruffalo challenges for the next little while. And it’s still Week Nine. Phew.


Ms Sheryl Moncur | School Counsellor/Teacher