From the Principal

Updates and important information

Meet the Principal - Last Friday, 7 June, our Regional Roadshow continued with an event in Mount Barker. This was attended by staff, families and prospective parents. It was a lovely evening and I thank Community Relations Manager Mrs Julia Bairstow for her coordination of another successful community get together.


We look forward to visiting Denmark and Newdegate next term.


Music - Congratulations to the music students who performed at the Years Seven to Ten Music Review on Wednesday night. To listen to 60 budding musicians and witness their growth was wonderful. Thank you to the music team of Mr Todd Manson, Mr Joe Fowler, Miss Kaila Thomas and Director of Music, Ms Emma Luxton, for their guidance and mentorship of our students.  


We are all looking forward to the VET Music Showcase on Wednesday 19 June.


Djinda - We are looking forward to the P&F Djinda Family Event on Friday 21 June from 3.00pm. This is a great opportunity to connect with other families and share in a sausage sizzle. I thank Jason Pages, President of the P&F, the Executive, and the ECC parent representatives for launching this initiative.


Primary School - Congratulations to the Eagle Cup team who travelled to Perth last week. Both teams represented our school with pride and I am looking forward to hearing the results of finals today.


On Thursday 20 June, GSG will be hosting the Interschool Cross Country event.  


Secondary School - On Tuesday 11 June, the Year Ten course selection parent evening was held. The purpose of the night was to provide key information about Year Eleven pathways for 2025 and course offerings. The turnout from parents and staff was particularly high and I thank Mrs Victoria Turnor for her leadership of academic excellence and culture at our school.


Boarding - On Sunday 16 June, the boarding houses will compete in the great Boarding Quiz night. Best of luck to all participants.


Parent Education - The Principal of St Joseph’s College has extended an invitation to GSG parents and guardians to attend a parent session with Paul Litherland who is a former policeman and Cybersafety expert.  


This free session will be approximately 90 minutes and is suitable for adults only.  The session will be held on Tuesday 18 June commencing at 6.00pm at St Joseph’s Junior School Undercover Area.  There is no requirement to RSVP.  


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal