Principal's Report

Term 3
Welcome back to Term 3. We are currently participating in activities focussing on the Olympics and are celebrating Green and Gold day on Friday the 2nd of August to share our support for the Australian team! This term is filled with fantastic events, with students participating in Book Week, Footy Day, Secondary 9/10 and Grade 6 camps, the Secondary 7/8 Spectacular and the Year 11 Presentation Ball. We can’t wait!
Principal Long Service Leave
I will be taking some Long Service Leave for the second half of Term 3. This is leave that has been booked in since before my time at Concord School and I will be off on an overseas holidays during this time. Bronwyn Hart will be Acting Principal in my absence.
My last working day will be Friday the 16th of August and I will be returning to school on the first day of Term 4.
Safe Driving
A reminder to all parents and carers to please be mindful of driving in areas around the school, particularly in peak times such as before and after school. The bus loops at the front of each campus are open for pick up and drop off outside of the bus times, with a speed limit 10km/h. Please also be mindful of Gleeson Drive at Bundoora Campus and Meagher St at Watsonia Campus and the congestion that can occur during the peak pick up and drop off times. Being mindful of the local speed limits, School Zone 40km/h speed limits and parking options will enable a safe environment for all of our school community. Our top priority is the safety of everyone around our school and thank you for your support with this.
Student Attendance and Absences
Student attendance is a key priority at Concord School to ensure the learning and wellbeing needs of all students can be met. For all absences where there is not an approved exemption from attendance or alternate enrolment in place, parents/carers must provide an explanation on each occasion to the school. This is to be completed on Compass.
After the morning roll marking, if a student is absent and the parent/carer has not notified the school to explain why, this will be marked as an unexplained absence which will generate an automatic Compass message to parents/carers after 9:30am.
If your child arrives to school after 9:15am, they must be signed in at the Compass Kiosk in the Office. This is the same process for both the Bundoora and Watsonia campuses.
It is a Department of Education requirement that schools record and monitor attendance and absences. Teachers, Section Leaders and the Assistant Principal for Student Wellbeing and Engagement may contact you if there are continued periods of unexplained absences.
Please ensure that all student absences are reported to the school. This can be done by:
- Logging via Compass and add an attendance note.
- Calling the school.
- Bundoora Campus: 9467 3972
- Watsonia Campus: 9432 7978
For further information, refer to the Concord School Attendance Policy on our website.
Disability Royal Commission
I am pleased to advise the Victorian Government has published its response to the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the Royal Commission). This follows a commitment made by the Australian Government and state and territory governments to respond to the Royal Commission in mid-2024. Click on the link to view the Victorian Government’s response:
Principal's Award
Jacob is a very responsible and caring student.
He follows all school rules and is always respectful to everyone. Jacob often looks out for younger students helping them to class. He shows great care and compassion especially when someone is hurt.
Jacob encompasses all our school values and is always striving to do his best.
Matthew Di Domenica