The end of the semester is a time to celebrate all of the fantastic teaching and learning that has taken place. It has been excellent to see the strong growth students have made in Numeracy across the school. The Lucas Primary School Instructional Model has ensured students have had daily opportunities to build their number automaticity by engaging warm up games and activities that require them to use written and mental strategies. Students have engaged explicit, teacher modelling during whole class learning where clear learning intentions and success criteria are set for every lesson. Next, students have the opportunity to use their own strategies to solve problems during the independent learning task. All students have worked on individualised goals during one-on-one conferences and engaged weekly focus groups. In Numeracy, teachers use GRIN (Getting Ready In Numeracy) pre-test data to identify misconceptions and the next steps for each student. This data is used to plan targeted teaching during the conferences and focus group sections of the instructional model. Students engage in daily reflection activities at the end of each session where they share their progress towards individual goals and reflect on their progress towards achieving the learning intention and success criteria for the lesson. Throughout the semester, there has been a strong focus on building connections between classroom learning and real-life applications. Students have been explicitly taught how to use mental and written strategies to solve problems. Students have had opportunities to apply their growing Numeracy skills and knowledge to solving real world-based problems.
Click on the above PDF for the Lucas PS Instructional Model.