Principal's Update

At Dundas Public School we do our best always

Staffing Update

Mrs Dinsdale has officially separated from the Department, and I have been given permission from the NSW Department of Education to advertise to find a permanent SAM (School administrative manager). We once again thank Mrs Dinsdale for her commitment and dedication to Dundas Public School and wish her a wonderful retirement.


Unfortunately, Mrs Sheik is unable to continue teaching 4W on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays due to a change in her personal circumstances. We are pleased to share that Mr Raven has agreed to teach 4 Wilbung on these days for the rest of the year. To ensure a smooth transition, Mr Raven has had a detailed handover to ensure he has a deep understanding of student learning progress. Mrs Singh will continue to teach the class on Mondays and Tuesdays. 


We are pleased to share that Mrs Upton will be returning to teach 2 Gawura 3 days a week next term. Mrs Upton will return to teaching 2G on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Mrs Sheaves will continue to teach the class on Thursdays and Fridays. 


For Terms 3 and 4, Mrs Chan will have her QTSS day on Wednesdays with the other school leaders. Therefore, Mrs Barnett will teach 3/4B every Wednesday starting next term. Mrs Chan will continue to teach the class on the remaining days of the week. 

Assets update

DPS pedestrian gates continue to require the attention of Assets. Recent works include:

  • the installation of a soft close mechanism on the Kissing Point Road pedestrian gate
  • new video intercoms at the Kenworthy and St Andrews pedestrian gates, and the Kissing Point Rd driveway gate
  • work will be done to fix the outside benches around the field. 

DPS paid for solar lighting for Kenworthy Pl and St Andrews laneways after a parent concern over safety in the dark.


We are getting 4 chickens! They will live in a mobile chicken coop at the front grassed area of our school. They lay 3-4 eggs a day. 

Community engagement with school events

We have been thrilled with the parent engagement at recent school events. Well attended events included:

  • Mother’s Day Breakfast
  • Stage 1 Insect Gallery
  • Bandaged Bear Breakfast 
  • Stage 2 Wildlife Expo 
  • Kindy Farmers Market 
  • Concert Band experience 
  • K-6 assembly 

The DPS Facebook page ticked over to 400 followers last week which is an excellent outcome. We appreciate the warm support from the community and look forward to seeing our parents and carers at school events planned for Semester 2.


A reminder that all planned events are visible on our school website in the ‘Events’ tab. A link to the site is below.

Events on school website

Safe holiday break

I would like to wish all students a safe holiday break and look forward to seeing everyone when students return on Tuesday, 23rd July. 


A reminder that Monday 22nd July is a Staff Development Day where staff will complete training in curriculum, The Anxiety Project and data literacy.

Enrol now for Kindergarten 2025

We are now accepting online enrolments for Kindergarten 2025. Your child can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year. By law, all children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.


How to Enrol

If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident and live within our designated intake area, you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will then need to finalise the application at the school.


Click here to access School Finder and check that your address is in our catchment.


Parents will be asked to complete the 100-point residential address check to confirm they live within the school’s designated intake area.

Click here to read about the 100-point residential address check.

Click here to enrol online.


We look forward to meeting you and your child very soon!

Lost property (previous content)

We have noticed many jackets, hats and drink bottles finding their way to the school’s lost property location over the last couple of weeks. A reminder that the new location for lost property is near the library stairs. 


We encourage parents and carers to regularly check the lost property if items have been misplaced. 


As we sort through lost property, there are a concerning number of items which are either not labelled with the child's name or the labelling has faded so much that it is impossible to read. Please take some time to check that all your child's belongings are labelled clearly to allow any lost items to easily be returned.

Audiri app (previous content)

We continue to be surprised when parents /carers tell us they did not know about the Audiri app and that they had missed important messages. Audiri is the main platform DPS uses to communicate messages quickly with our community. 


Please download the free app to your smart phone if you haven’t done this already.


Below is a summary of the different platforms used by DPS and their intended purpose. 

Weekly planners on DPS Facebook page (previous content)

Are you on Facebook? Are you following the Dundas PS Facebook page? If not, you must check it out!


We regularly share images from organized school events and excursions. Every Friday, we share a weekly planner for the following week. Feedback from parents has been extremely positive as the page has become very important for families when organising their children for the next school week. 



Lee Shipley
