
What's happening in the Careers space
Hello, I'm Ms Jeffries, the EHS Careers Adviser for 2024. In my role, I interview students to delve into their career aspirations, guiding them through the myriad of University and TAFE courses available. I organise visits to universities and career expos to provide students with opportunities to broaden their understanding of various career options.
Additionally, I arrange for outside speakers to visit and discuss the courses that are available at their respective College or University. External providers also come in to present workshops. These workshops aim to equip students with additional qualifications, preparing them effectively for entering the workforce. My goal is to empower students by facilitating activities to contribute to students making informed decisions and prepare them for their future career journey.
EHS Careers website
Our aim is to provide you with all the latest information that will help you make decisions about your future career and your life beyond school.
You can use this site to locate University, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the HSC, search for job vacancies and much more. Feel free to drop into the Careers Office if you have any questions.
Work Experience
22 students have engaged in work experience this semester. Work experience provides real life experience in the industry or occupation of their choice. Students can be inspired and motivated by the people they meet and benefit from connecting with employers. Students must be at least 14 years old to participate.
Year 10 students are encouraged to participate in work experience at least once through the year. Students can try multiple occupations over the year to give them a good sense of what they may and may not be interested in. Year 9 students are encouraged to participate in work experience from Term 4.
Interested students can visit the careers office for further information.
How to find work experience
The internet is a major resource to help a student in securing work experience. Students can email or call workplaces to ask whether they provide work experience or students are also encouraged to walk up to business’ and introduce themselves and ask to speak to the manager. Alternatively parents and other adults around the student maybe able to suggest workplaces that they know take students for work experience.
What do students gain from work experience?
- explore first-hand the world of work
- decide if they like the job or industry
- gain job-ready skills and knowledge
- practice general and industry-specific skills
- identify career options and pathways
- be inspired about new work opportunities
- possible offer of an apprenticeship
MWLP transition from School to Work Program
22 students have participated in the MWLP Transition from School to Work Program. MWLP assists young people to make the successful transition from school to work. They do this by connecting the incredibly important space between schools and the wider world. Their work focuses on preparing young people for the world of work, nurturing aspiration, career management and entrepreneurialism, whilst simultaneously addressing the ongoing needs of business. Students also are provided with the opportunity to complete a week of work experience.
Productivity Bootcamp
EHS has 2 students currently participating in Productivity Bootcamp. This is a concentrated 8-week program, giving young people the construction skills and work values needed to succeed in the industry, with hands-on experience in many trades. Students learn a variety of skills in areas such as carpentry, formwork, steel fixing, concreting, plumbing, bricklaying, fencing and general groundworks. Students learn what is needed to walk on to a job site, armed with the basic knowledge and understanding of what is required to get the job done correctly and safely. Students must be over 16 for parents to apply for this program. Brochures and further information can be found in the careers office.
White Card Course
58 students have completed the White Card qualification over numerous dates this semester. All students were 100% engaged in the course. The presenter told many workplace stories while educating everyone. The course has a written and a scenario component. This demonstrated our student’s ability to work as part of a team and work safely. This qualification will enable our students to be equipped for work experience and future jobs on construction sites.
Congratulations to you all!!
First Aid Course
61 students completed the Royal Life Saving First Aid and CPR course on the 30th May. Students found the course insightful and had fun while they learnt how to provide CPR, use a defibrillator, tie bandages and slings and the most important part- to save a life!!!
Congratulations to you all for passing the course.
Career Expo's
EHS senior students had the opportunity to attend the Oran Park Career Expo on the 14th May that was held by Camden Council at Julia Park Community Centre and also the Macarthur Careers Expo which was held at Club Menangle and at the start of June. These Expo’s provide students with access to business, industry and community to explore what is currently available to them. This may assist in general career planning and to help inform our young people about possible future opportunities to consider.
Parents and Carers are encouraged to visit Career Expos with their children. These expos provide parents/ carers with the information to guide their child on the opportunities, training providers and universities needed in the future. These experiences also provides the opportunity for parents/ carers and their children to start the discussion of career aspirations.
For Year 10 students, a visit like this can provide them with insight for subject selection for their HSC.
Year 11 and 12 need this opportunity to start planning life beyond the HSC.
Ms Jeffries
Careers Adviser