P&C News

Get involved with where your kids spend their time 

The P&C would love to hear from you. Let us know how we can communicate with you and any information you would like taken to the school from your parent representative body. Follow this link to provide information - https://forms.gle/zkLtxxUrD3yMTopYA


Where you have seen us

Your P&C supported the school at the school musical, Mary Poppins in May. It was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Selling snacks and drinks for the show was a great success for our fundraising and we would like to thank the volunteers that joined us over the 3 nights. These funds all go back to the school for resources etc.


If you would like to join us for a few hours as a volunteer at our snack stall, our next big fundraiser is the School Spectacular in September.



Did you know we have a Elderslie HS P&C page on Facebook? Please follow us for updates.


Next Meeting

We meet twice a term in the school library (and sometimes on Zoom) on a Tuesday at 7pm in Weeks 3 and 7 of each term.


Contact details for the P&C are:

Our general email account is ehspandc@outlook.com

President email is president-ehspandc@outlook.com

Vice President email is vicepresident-ehspandc@outlook.com

Secretary email is secretary-ehspandc@outlook.com

Fundraising Coordinator email is fundraise-ehspandc@outlook.com

Treasurer email is treasurer-ehspandc@outlook.com


Elderslie High School P&C