Year 7 History
Year 7 History this Term have been focusing on Ancient Civilisations, specifically ANCIENT EGYPT!
Our students have had the opportunity to research key individuals during this time and unpack the wonders of this incredible society - including processes of mummification, burial practices and incredible sites! Some classes too, travelling to Egypt via virtual fieldwork, and explored the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. In class, many students have also had the opportunity to follow the steps of special priests, pretending to “embalm”, treat and wrap the body. Knowing the rituals of embalming, removing internal parts and wrapping the body is a key component of burial practices. 7V and 7A both spent class time creating their own canopic jars, and pretending to be the role of special priest.
We hope you had fun!
Year 8 Geography
In Term 1, Year 8 Geography started the Stage 4 topic Landscapes & Landforms. Well done to 8GEOI who applied their knowledge of natural hazard destruction, management strategies and creativity through an in-class task on Minecraft. Have a look at the awesome submissions by students!
This term, Year 8 Geography has been focusing on Place & Liveability. This topic allows students to determine subjective and objective factors influencing the liveability of a place - such as qualitative and quantitative data, weather and climate, access to services and recognition of cultural experiences.
Across various classes, students have completed fieldwork around the school, identifying key categories of liveability, completing field sketching and research to make a judgement about most liveable cities in the world! In their upcoming Assessment Task, students will be able to assess factors that contribute to, and make a judgement about their street.
Great effort Year 8!
Year 9 History
This Semester, Year 9 History students have covered a range of topics, including the Industrial Revolution, Slave Trade, Australias at War and Changing Rig. We are incredibly impressed with the effort and respect students have demonstrated in their engagement with these topics.
We would like to also recognise the time spent by these students had spent completing their Trench Warfare Assessment Task to an outstanding standard. The submissions, across various classes, were extraordinary!
Year 10 History
This semester Year 10 History have been studying World War 2 and the Holocaust. We travelled into the city to visit the Sydney Jewish Museum where we heard a survivor’s story and had a tour of the museum. Our students were incredibly respectful and engaged through the entire presentation and tour.
Well done Year 10!
Year 10 Geography
Congratulations to half of Year 10 who have finalised the Stage 5 Geography Course. This term, in 10GEOT to finish the topic of Human Wellbeing, students had the choice to research their own topic of social and humanitarian issues facing many countries and persons around the world. As part of this task, they then needed to design and create a board game to reflect their knowledge and understanding to others.
Check out their awesome games!
Year 10 Commerce
Great work 10COM1!
Our students have been working on the topic: The Economic and Business Environment. To help connect the key ideas of Type of Supply and Demand, students used ‘Mullo Money’ to participate in an auction - allowing them to apply the two terms in practice. Students then, without many rules, had to build the highest tower out of the material they purchased, or exchanged.
Year 12 Society & Culture
For the first time in many years, we have had the opportunity to visit the Society & Culture Association run HSC Study Day (held at Wesley Conference Centre). The students were provided with ample feedback and hot tips from HSC markers on how to ace their Examination. We were also fortunate enough to experience a cultural dance by the Yidaki Eulogy - a group formed from various mobs around Australia. They shared their story through song, dance and poetry. An awesome day!
HSIE Faculty