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Private Film Screening in the Theatre!

Our Year 11 English class recently visited the theatre to watch 'The Old Man Who Read Love Stories', our set text for Unit 2. This immersive film experience not only enhances student enjoyment, but also improves their focus on the narrative each time we have the opportunity to do this. 

Miss Zahirovic

English Teacher

Year 11 Business Management Excursion to Melbourne Central Shopping Centre

As part of Unit 1 AOS 3, our Business Management class embarked on an excursion to Melbourne Central Shopping Centre alongside other Year 11 Business Management students. The goal was to deepen our students’ understanding of a business' external environment and explore how macro and operational factors impact business planning. During the excursion, students had the opportunity to interact with real business owners, employees and staff, gathering valuable insights. They also conducted interviews with customers to gain a customer-centric perspective. Students have shared their reflections on this experience with fellow students and staff at school.

I want to thank each and every one of you who participated in our recent excursion. The students’ behaviour was exceptional from start to finish. Particularly impressed by how well they listened to instructions during their excursion and their polite and respectful conduct while interacting with the public for their surveys.


Ms Viswanathan

Business Management Teacher

Poems from Year 10 English

-Madina SA, F10


Beneath skies of ash,  

Sounds of war still echo strong, 

Peace an impossible dream 


In shadows we hide,  

Hope shines bright through the dark nights,  

Awaiting the bright light


Our cries are unheard, 

Heart’s ache for a tranquil peace 

Dreams of peace stand alone…


We disguise in fear… 

With the devastating effects, lasting long 

We want peace, they don’t                                                     


-Rizwan A, D10


Can you hear it?

Can you feel it?


Your worst fears?

Your dread?


Your imminent death?


Can you hear it?


Sounds of shooting, cannon shells, and jets,

Sounds of planes, helicopters and grad rockets,


While you lie in your thin tent, in the darkness…


And then you feel it:


The heavy hands, and sudden shivering,

The anxiety and thoughts that whirl around in your head


You curl in the blankets, and crying you try to repress


You want to rest,

You haven’t slept,

You need to rest…


But you can’t,

You can’t,

You can’t forget…


How they are hovering above you,

And the sounds above your head


So instead, you let silence overcome you,


It becomes you,

It consumes you,

You hate it,

Hate what it does to you…


And yet it is home to you now,

It’s your only reassurance


Because they won’t see you,

And drop down on you,

If you are in silence


And this is your life.


But you ask yourself:


Will I ever sleep?

Sleep peacefully in silence again?


-Francesca O, D10