School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school

Our New Play Space

F/1 worked on assembling our new "rainbow space" in our classroom. The children had a great time, and all worked together. Students were allocated roles and responsibilities and needed to work to achieve their goal. During this exercise students learned through reading, counting, communicating, collaborating, working as a team, leadership skills, determination and resilience when experiencing setbacks (like when Mrs Smith attached the shelves upside down). They also experienced the satisfaction of achievement and the joy of contributing to something that will benefit our whole classroom. We look forward to all the different uses for this space. 


Makers Market


Kitchen Garden

Each term the students in 2/3/4 and 4/5/6 go to Kitchen Garden. The students expressed an interest in taking the recipe home so they could do it in the holidays. Please find the attached recipes for Vegetarian Sausage Rolls and Pumpkin Scones.  Enjoy.