Education News



Hello Families and Friends,

Once again Foundation students have been working extremely hard to extend their skills in phonics, writing and maths. During Term 2 in phonics students consolidated their understanding of three sounded words and are now being introduced to four sounded words. They have started to apply their understanding of letter-sound relationships, developed in phonics lessons, to independent writing tasks. In maths, they have enthusiastically tackled new Toolbox goals and are now starting to explore numbers to 20. As you will see in the photos our 3D shape investigation made learning lots of fun.

In addition to all this hard work last term was full of fun and excitement with many special events: World Ocean Day, Crazy Hair Day, Reconciliation Week, the St John's Ambulance visit, Student Led Conferences and of course Hot Dog Day - a real treat laid on for us by our wonderful PFA.

Term 3 promises to be equally as busy with lots of learning and additional activities: 100 days of school, the school concert, a whole week of swimming, Harold and the Life Ed team return to help us stay healthy, active and safe plus lots more. Hold onto your hats its going to be an amazing term!






During the first week back of school all CSPS students took part in some NAIDOC activities to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.

The students did an amazing job and we have a display up in the main building.

During National Reconciliation Week the Year 6 students created their own Acknowledgement of Country, they had a visit from our KESO Juanita who spoke to them about what it is and why it is important.

Each year we choose a new Acknowledgement of Country created by our Year 6 students and this year we would like to congratulate Emily, Kasey and Charlotte. The art work was taken from the students poster, great job girls!