What's been happening in Italian?

It is great to be back in the classroom after four weeks in Italy.  The children were very well taken care of by Antoinette.  Thank you so much Antoinette!

Over the last few weeks the students have been continuing with our Food ' Il Cibo' unit and have been working very hard. 


Prep-Year 2 have worked on various activities based on the story of The Very Hungry Carerpillar ' Il Piccolo Bruco Maisazio'.  These activities have included the names of food Items, colours, numbers and days of the week.  

The Year 3's and 4's have been practicing using food Items and expressing their likes and dislikes.  In pairs the children interviewed each other asking them the question 'Ti piace' followed by a food item. They each had a turn at replying 'Mi piace/Non mi piace' according to their likes and dislikes of the different foods. I was very impressed with their pronunciation and focus.

The Year 5's and 6's have really enjoyed revising vocabulary and practicing new language learnt using our new computer program called Languagenut.  The program offers activities and games covering the four language skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.  The students can access Languagenut from home using their individual username and password given to them in our Italian classes class.  

The students also played a dice game with a partner.  This involved firstly making the prepared dice then  Student  A throws the dice and asks the question on the dice e.g Cosa mangi per colazione (what do you eat for breakfast? Student B answers in Italian. 

Finally I would like to wish you all a safe and restful break with your families.


Gina Michieli (Italian Teacher)