Visual Arts
A celebration of our creativity
Visual Arts
A celebration of our creativity
Our Prep students had a blast creating vibrant, colourful pizzas using collage paper, tissue paper, crepe paper, cellophaneand felt. They also learned about healthy eating by thoughtfully selecting nutritious options to top their artistic pizzas.
Year 1 & 2
Year 1 and 2 students showcased their creativity by crafting delightful collage burgers with collage paper, tissue paper, crepe paper, cellophane, and felt. Tying into their inquiry lessons, they thoughtfully selected healthy ingredients to include in their imaginative burger creations.
Year 3 & 4
Year 3 and 4 students demonstrated their artistic skills by creating fruit and vegetable faces, using a variety of healthy produce to design unique portraits. The following week, they transitioned their creativity to paper, using collage and textured materials to recreate their nutritious masterpieces.
Year 5 & 6
Our Year 5 and 6 students are excitedly wrapping up their onomatopoeia artworks, focusing on perfecting the background and assembling their final pieces.