Principal's Report
Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse
Principal's Report
Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse
Dear Parents, Friends and Father Arsenio,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Ruby Harris (Yr 1RH) all the best. She will commence leave at the end of next week. Parenthood is an exciting time and we wish her well. I am equally pleased to welcome Rachel Cox to our school. She and Joanna (Major- Skelton) will teach Ruby's grade till the end of the year.
We are well and truly underway for our production in three months time. I am pleased to report that planning and logistics are taking shape to have all students trained and ready to perform in September. Sherree will have a one stop page set up for all information related to the production so please watch out for that in the coming weeks.
Donations have been sought for both SVDP (Parish) and EatUp (school). Please note this is not compulsory in any way shape or form. Both are worthwhile causes hence the request. the former assists many local homeless people (as noted by one of our parents) and the latter many students in need. My thanks if you have assisted or are in a position to assist.
The P&F are running a Trivia Night this Saturday. There is room for one more table of eight. If you are interested, please let Kat Di Rago or me know.
Have a great week,