Principal's News

Dear Families, 


We are drawing toward the end of the year, a year of great change, but one I am incredibly grateful for to get to know so many of the wonderful students at this school. Recently, we celebrated All Souls Day in the Church, where we reflect on those who have passed throughout the year. Schools, being a snapshot of society, are not immune to challenges and often can become a source of refuge for students who are experiencing grief. We want all families who have experienced loss recently to know that we are thinking of them, and we will be there to support as much or as little as you would like. It is actually the approach that is the evidence base for students. You meet them where they are at, you are lead by the student and you validate their emotion. However, on the way to moving forward, it is important to focus on the people still around them who will continue to be there for them, support them and keep them safe. Many of our parents do that for their whole family, which is why we want you to know we are here. 


Before and After School Care


I have made preliminary enquiries with providers, but I really need to know how many families would commit to needing this service. If you are a family that requires this service, or would use this service, please either come and speak to me or email me on


End of the School Year

A reminder that our last day of the school year will be on Friday 15th of December. 

We are finalising arrangements for a Year Six Graduation, which will consist of a Mass and Ceremony.


New Prep Students Orientation

We had ten of our future students Prep stars join us Thursday morning for orientation. In the last two weeks, we have had a number of new enrolments, and significant increase in enquiries. 


New Marketing Campaign

We are about to embark on a new marketing campaign, along with a new website for the school, so stay tuned. I am hoping to get some parent testimonials, so if you would like the opportunity to say something, please let me know. If it is a concern, let me know, if it is positive….great! 


Parent Feedback

I will be dropping little bits about the feedback we received from parents in coming weeks. Many in the survey indicated that their own experience of schooling impacted their views of schooling today. This is very normal experience, but we need to remember, that your child doesn’t have to have the same experience. Working together, we can always create a more positive and hopeful vision for our students for the future.