Melanie Sanderson (P-2) and Susan Mitchell (3-6)
Melanie Sanderson (P-2) and Susan Mitchell (3-6)
Maths - Week 6
Collecting Data at SoGS
Over the past couple of weeks, some students across the school have had the opportunity to collect data to audit our schools sustainability practices.
The following sustainability audits have happened:
The biodiversity audit tool used by the Year 1 and Year 6 students helped them measure and record data on biodiversity in our school grounds by:
› recording habitat features such as indigenous/native trees, weeds and organic litter
› recording native animals in your school grounds
› calculating our school’s biodiversity score.
It has been wonderful to see the students so engaged and hands on collecting authentic data for our school. Collecting data is a part of the Maths Curriculum and the experience is made more meaningful by applying it to real life situations.
Here is a variety of images of the Year 1 and Year 6s completing the Biodiversity audit.