Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News Term 4 Week 2


Home Inquiry:

Read for 20 minutes. Reading is to be recorded in student diaries with the book title, page numbers read, and the time read. 


Home inquiry:

  • Year 6- talk to your child about their focus area for exhibition night next week.
  • Year 5- continue writing questions and researching into your area of interest.

Maths: Discuss, locate and name angles used in everyday life.  


We will be using Teachable machine for our angles unit. Please ensure all students have downloaded this free app.






The year 6 students will be presenting their learning in week 3. Please see attached flyer for the night. We look forward to sharing with you.


Year 6

Students have worked on a media article and given two different perspecitives from the article. They then wrote their own opinion based on their current understanding of their focus area. 


Year 6

Please continue talking to your child about what they know in their focus area. They can share their mind maps that they have created this week. They have been working on their must do, should do, could do in preparation for next week. Go through this with your child to see what they still need to work on for next week.

Year 5

Well done to the year 5 students who did an amazing job at sharing their learning on Tuesday night. Thank you to our parents and school families for your continued support and interest in the children’s learning.   


This week we have begun a new unit on angles. Students have been measuring angles, drawing angles and measuring angles in shapes. We plan to use the app My teachable machine this week, please ensure it is on your child’s ipad.

Just a reminder students need to have a fully charged iPad, a keyboard, headphones, hat and a drink bottle every day.  




Kind Regards

Year 5/6 Teachers