Teaching and Learning News

Graduation and Awards
A highlight of any school year is the chance to celebrate our graduating students and acknowledge excellence in our school community. At our awards and celebration day certificates are given out at both campuses for all graduating students and select students from 7-12.
Richmond Campus
Coburg Campus
Step Into
November 22nd to 24th students participated in the 'Step Into' program, giving them the opportunity to move into their new class groups and trial new subjects.
For many students this was particularly exciting as they began the transition from the 7-10 Victorian Curriculum into their VCE or VCE VM studies. For some students this meant making the trip to our Coburg campus to get a taste of their new VET Subjects.
School Camp at Walkerville
Students from years 7-112 spent five days in Walkerville, a short distance from Wilsons Promontory.
Activities Week
After our end of year camp students who wish to participate have a chance to engage in a variety of activities aimed at building teamwork and engagement. Highlights this year included an excursion to the Werribee Zoo, an Urban Quest, fishing and crafting Christmas Decorations.
End of Year Festive Lunch
To celebrate the end of the year the 9/10 Technology group made a celebratory lunch for the school.
Mario Kart Tournament
Music/Literacy teacher Phil Kakulas was the winner of our inaugural Mario Kart racing tournament, beating off a field of other teachers and students in a tightly fought competition, organised by Seth Hann, as part of his VCE VM Numeracy assessment. Seth was responsible for designing and running the tournament and finished second place in the competition. Thanks to Seth and Numeracy teacher Norman for organising the event and for creating such an awesome trophy. It is intended that the competition will become an annual event.
Congratulations Phil!