Year 5/6 Bulletin

CERES excursion

Learning intention: To explore how energy is generated from a variety of sources and how buildings can be designed to minimise energy consumption.


Tasks: Students explored where non-renewable energy comes from and the impact carbon emissions can have on our atmosphere. They were also able to explore a variety of renewable energy sources in practice such as wind power, solar energy and how hydroelectricity works. Students also had a tour of the CERES environmental park, exploring how buildings and spaces had been designed to minimise energy use. 


Students at work: Please have a discussion with your children about the images below to get a better understanding of what was happening at the excursion.


Student reflections: What is something I learned on the excursion?

  • I learned alot about solar energy and when you cover the panel the energy produced is lower.
  • I learned how coal is made and the process. It takes over millions of years!
  • You can turn recycled materials into interesting designs, like with the playground they created
  • Our atmosphere is warming at a very quick rate because of the carbon emissions. Much faster than any stage ever on Earth.
  • Coal is made from compressed trees, plants and flowers from millions of years ago
  • Bamboo is a very useful plant for construction
  • Black coal is millions of years older than brown coal
  • I learned how different renewable energy sources worked (Hydro, solar and wind)
  • Mirrors are used for solar power to reflect the heat of the sun to heat certain things

What you can do now (To continue the learning at home from this experience)

  • Look at ways energy is consumed in your home. 
  • Think of ways that you can minimise energy consumption (turning unused lights off, energy saving LED lights, etc)
  • Have discussions around the different ways energy is consumed and measured at home.
  • Look at some of the electricity, gas and water bills and discuss why we have certain costs.

Jenny, Zaim and Jade

Year 5/6 Team