Year 1 Bulletin



6+1 Traits of Writing:  ORGANISATION  


Text type:  Information Report


An information report is used to present information about something.


Purpose – To Inform 


The writer aims to provide factual information to the reader. 


Students are taught that we write for a purpose - to entertain, inform, persuade, and express feelings. Most texts that we read can fit into one of these categories. When we write, we begin with a purpose that we wish to accomplish with our writing. The author’s purpose is the ‘Why’ behind their writing. 


For our message to be communicated effectively, considering how we organise the text is important. The way in which information is organised in a text is referred to as text structure. It helps to make the writer’s ideas clear and guides the reader’s comprehension of the text. 


Learning intention:To organise information in a clear way.


Task: Describing a place in the community


The writing task linked to our Big Idea - Places in our community are designed to meet peoples’ needs.


Lesson 1: 


The students were shown photos of places in the community. They chose a place and drew it. The students were then asked to write words to describe the place. Following on from this, the students discussed the place with a partner using the prompts:

  • What is this place?
  • What do you find there?
  • Who do you find there? (e.g., community helpers)
  • What do you do there?
  • Why do we go there? 
  • Why is this place important in our community?

Through discussing their chosen place, students were able to focus on developing a bank of vocabulary, to support them with writing a written report. It also provided them with an opportunity to reflect on the purpose and significance of places in our community, and their connection to these places.

Lesson 2: 


The students wrote a Community Fact File about a chosen place in the community. They then shared their writing with a peer.


Examples of students’ writing:

What you can do at home to support your child:

  • Encourage your child to experiment with writing different text types to support them with identifying the purpose for writing, to promote a curiosity of words, and to broaden their knowledge of vocabulary and concepts. 



Poem, narrative, recipe, instructions, recount


Discuss the purpose for writing with your child. For example, when I write a narrative, my purpose might be to entertain the reader. Have your child emulate a much-loved story and put their own unique stamp on it.


Some entertaining picture story books that your child can find in our Library: 

  • When reading, share different types of literature and discuss the author’s purpose and message. This will support your child with recognising how the text is structured and the words the author has used to communicate a message

Our Big Idea:Places in our community are designed to meet peoples’ needs.

Driving questions: 

  • What is my community? (people, places) 
  • Which places do I use in my community? 
  • How can we maintain and improve our school? 

The aim of the unit is:

  • To develop a deeper understanding of place and space and how these spaces are used 
  • To explore the connection between us and the places in our community
  • To explore why communities are important
  • To explore actions that can help make our learning spaces a healthy, safe and active place

Angela and Roula

Year 1 Team