Career & VET Report

Careers Information Night
Real world learning at Edenhope College.
Careers and pathway Information Night.
Build your future by being well informed.
This event was well attended by students, parents, employers and special guests from Industries and Registered training organisation gaining a better understanding of the options available for study pathways and future careers.
After a welcome from our Principal Trevor McClure and a welcome to Country by our College Captain Molly Payne. Molly shared her own study pathway to year 12 and her aspirations for the future.
Mrs Tucker our Careers and Vocational Coordinator introduced our guest speakers and shared an analogy of developing skills and knowledge to put in a toolbox to access later on in life.
Ms Hardwick introduced and discussed the Senior Pathways options at Edenhope College.
Nicole Stewart from DET Wimmera Southwest Skills and Pathway Officer shared the importance of vocational studies and the balance of VCE and applied learning options.
Kim Boulton Liaison Officer from Federation University Horsham explained the programs offered at Horsham and the expectations of studying in an adult environment.
Di Dent form WSMLLEN explained the process of enrolling in Vocational Education and Training and the attending Induction Day to studying in 2024.
A very yummy supper was supplied by Kings Catering opening up the opportunity to speak informally with employers and training providers.
Hamish Gawith and Russell Brown from HeadStart Apprentices and Traineeships discussed SBAT School based apprenticeships and Traineeships, sharing the opportunity to earn money while studying.
Chris Barber from Skill Invest continued with career opportunities and the importance of utilising work experience and structured work placement to gather information on whether what you are considering as a career. A sort of try before you buy approach.
Inspirational and exciting guest speakers were our very own past student Alice Rainsford who is the Head Veterinary Nurse and her colleague from Rural Vet Services Dr Veterinary Emily Taylor. The ladies shared their stories of the ambiguous decisions that you make when you are considering study pathways and career options.
The evening finished with Carine Bezuidenhout introducing the Bendigo Bank Grant money for Year 11 & 12 students. This was attached in the previous Whytalla.
As a result, from the information night, many students, employers and parents have discussed their options with Mrs Tucker to change options or to consider School based Apprenticeships or just to have a chat about their aspirations.
The next to do in Careers is to update your CAREER ACTION PLANS.
VET Induction
Students considering Vocational Educational and training options for 2024 were required to attend an Induction Day in Horsham on the 1st November.
Students started the day at 7.20am to catch a private bus to Horsham, to emerge with 200 other VET students to then branch off to five different venues including Horsham College, Federation University, Longrenong College and Engineering at Carine Street.
Students were apprehensive to break from their homing group to venture into the unknown.
However, once students made the break, the day was divided into four parts. Quick start online enrolments and the dreaded LLN preassessment, Campus tours and library session, Industry program sessions and a very informative School to Work Session arranged by WSMLLEN. Guest speakers from Emmetts John Deere, Emerge Childcare, Laser Electrical.
In between sessions students gathered in the sunshine to share their experience with each other forming new friendships.
A very successful day, with students considering Agriculture, Automotives, Furniture making, Health, Early Childhood Education, Cookery, Music, Media and Screen and Community Services.
If you would like to consider vocational studies to boost your skills and knowledge, some areas are still available for 2024. Have a Career and Pathway Chat with Mrs Tucker.
Mrs Donna Tucker
Careers Co-ordinator