Grade 1 and 2 News
Term 4, Week 4
Grade 1 and 2 News
Term 4, Week 4
Multiplication and Division (sharing):
During the last fortnight students have been exploring the concepts of multiplication and division. This has included using the concept of arrays to organise our thinking and also to practise sharing an amount into equal groups.
We read the story 'Bean Thirteen' and students worked in small groups to practise sharing out the beans and understanding the idea of having a 'leftover' which in mathematical language we call the 'remainder'.
Classroom Museum:
As part of our Topic lessons this week we have had a 'Classroom Museum' where students have brought in items used by members of their families in the past. It was great for the students to be able to see lots of different items and compare them to things we use in our homes/lives now. Thank you to the families who supported their child/ren to bring in an item or send in a photograph of an item!
Mathematics: In Mathematics over the next two weeks students will practise applying their knowledge and skills of multiplication and division to worded problems. They will also explore the concepts of capacity and mass, using language appropriate to these areas such as full, half full, empty, heavier and lighter.
English: During Reading sessions students will focus on the books 'Where is the Lyrebird' and 'Tilly'. Students will learn to apply strategies to these books which build their comprehension and vocabulary skills and knowledge. We will continue to revise long vowel sounds and also look at the idea of homophones for example there, their and they're.
Writing sessions will return to a focus on persuasive writing and students being able to form opinions on different topics and having evidence to support their reasoning.
Topic: In the next few weeks we will be exploring time (past, present and future) and discussing a special times in our lives. After this, we will move into learning about other peoples points of view and the importance of respecting others views and being able to provide our own point of view.