Student Learning

Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Prinicipal & Learning and Teaching Leader

Superstar Reader of the Week- Eilidh 

This week's SUPERSTAR reader is Eilidh from 1/2AO. Eilidh has made some amazing progress with her reading, decoding tricky words and using a range of comprehension strategies to make meaning. Congratulations Eilidh! We love seeing how much you are enjoying reading!


Junior Classes Leading Assembly

We are so proud of our junior classes who have been leading our whole school assemblies on Monday mornings. Thank you to our 1/2RT students - Anouk and Olivia, for leading us in prayer, our weekly announcements and the National Anthem. What a wonderful opportunity to showcase their reading skills and public speaking skills in front of an audience. 


Year 5/6 Horse Riding Camp

What a wonderful experience our Year 5/6 students had on camp this week. They were involved in a range of activites at 'The Ranch' in Boneo, which involved crate stacking, rock climbing, having a go on the giant swing and the most exciting fun of all, the horse appreciation program and our very exciting horse ride! This was a wonderful learning experience for our students. They had the opportunity to learn about themselves and develop their personal and social capabilities. They displayed the most amazing behaviour and manners, engagement and resilience as they undertook these challenges as well as having a lot of fun! I think the teachers enjoyed it too! Idefinitely did!

Our 2024 Preps- Transition Program

On Wednesday this week, we welcomed our new Preps for 2024 and their families to Trinity. They joined us for their first transition session. Whilst there were a few tears and some long goodbyes (for children and parents) they enjoyed a morning of learning and fun! We look forward to seeing them again next Wednesday morning.



Staying in touch...

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to make contact with your child's teacher. You are also welcome to come and see me about any aspect of learning at Trinity.


Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader