Connect: Foundation

 Important Dates:

Wednesdays- ALL Preps have library on Wednesday in Term 3 and 4.

31st October- Hot Chip Lunch

1st November- Donut Day

Our learning:

Reading and Writing

This term we have learnt  the diagraphs ph, wh, ai, ay and  we will be learning ee and ea. Students will be reading and writing words such as phonics, phone, when, whack, train, rain, say, stray, meat, seat, green and feet. Students will be reading and writing sentences such as ‘Where is the green sheep? ‘The sea is a treat for me.’ We will be sequencing the texts that we read and recording sentences that include the words ‘first, next and then’.  So far we have learnt the Heart words ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when’ and we will be learning the words ‘of and off’.

Here is a link to our Phonics song:



Students will be exploring concepts in Chance and Data. We will be learning about data collection and how to form questions. Students will get the opportunity to survey children and ask their question. Children learn important maths concepts through play. Here is a link to a Maths game you could play at home:

Game title: 100 Laughs 



During Wellbeing we will be discussing the tools that we could use to assist us to feel calm. We will be exploring what stressful situations look like and feel like and what types of helpful strategies we could use in these situations.



Students can log into Reading Eggs and Mathletics at home. Login details are pasted at the back of the Boomerang book. These are great resource for children to practice phonics and explore maths. 

We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.


Art Show

The children have worked hard since Term Three to prepare their magnificent artwork for the Art show. Each Prep student showcased a unique art piece that they were very proud to display. The Art Show afternoon was an enjoyable time for students and their families.